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  1. Delivering Effective, Engaging Degree Apprenticeships

    Tuesday 17 November, 9am – 4pm UA Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell will be speaking at the Inside Government event “Delivering effective, engaging Degree Apprenticeships” in London. In her session, Looking to the Future – Effectively Implementing Degree Apprenticeships Across Higher Education Institutions, she will be exploring the role of degree apprenticeships in bridging the academic-vocational divide […]

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  2. The future for Postgraduate Taught education: funding, choice and student experience

    Thursday 22 October 2015, 8.30 – 1pm, Central London. Dr Faye Taylor, University Alliance Policy and Project Manager, will join a panel discussion at an event organised by the Westminster Higher Education Forum on the future for Postgraduate Taught education. The panel will examine the impact of the introduction of PGT loans on students and […]

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  3. Conservative Party conference fringe event – University: is it worth it?

    Monday 5 October, 17.45 – 19.00 Manchester Central Library We have joined forces with Bright Blue and GuildHE to organise a fringe event at the Conservative Party Conference with the theme: “University: is it worth it?” The event will explore whether universities provide value for money in relation to students, government and the wider economy.Speakers include: Jo Johnson […]

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  4. HEPI: The challenge of making TEF-lite work

    The Higher Education Policy Institute has published a write up of our event ‘Building the Teaching Excellence Framework‘ on their website. “The University Alliance hosted a stimulating event to discuss the threats and opportunities of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) earlier today. Not only were there platform speeches from senior people from HEFCE, BIS, Coventry […]

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  5. Wonkhe: Finding new ways to measure graduate success

    University Alliance’s Treasurer and Vice-Chancellor of Nottingham Trent University, Professor Edward Peck, recently wrote a blog for Wonkhe focusing on the need to find new ways to measure graduate success. These issues were explored at a University Alliance roundtable that Professor Peck chaired in July which brought together colleagues from the civil service, employers, the HE […]

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  6. THE: How might a teaching excellence framework be built?

    An extensive look at how the proposed TEF might work by Dame Julia King in Times Higher Education. The piece features substantial comments from Quintar McKellar, VC of University of Hertsfordshire and Chris Rust, professor of higher education at Oxford Brookes University – two University Alliance member institutions. It also adds on “What of the […]

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  7. Mind the gap – engaging employers to secure the future of STEM in higher education

    Date: 13 October 2015       Time: 4.30-6.30pm Venue: Strangers’ Dining Room, House of Commons, London University Alliance with University of Lincoln invites you to a parliamentary reception hosted by Roberta Blackman-Woods MP, Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary University Group. We will be launching a major new research report exploring the emergence of […]

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  8. Alliance universities committed to the success of Government’s Productivity Plan

    University Alliance welcomes the Government’s Productivity Plan, unveiled by the Business Secretary Sajid Javid today. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of University Alliance – Britain’s universities for cities and regions – said: “We welcome the Government’s Productivity Plan which recognises the important role universities play in securing the UK’s future success. Alliance universities have a long history of […]

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  9. Daily Mail: Top universities allowed to hike fees above £9,000: Institutions will be allowed to increase cost if they can prove they offer high-quality teaching

    University Alliance’s Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell has featured in a story by the Daily Mail into the Budget measures announced by George Osborne earlier this week. The Chancellor of the Exchequer confirmed a number of announcements for higher education, including the news that tuition fees will be allowed to rise above £9000 at universities which offer […]

    Read more of: Daily Mail: Top universities allowed to hike fees above £9,000: Institutions will be allowed to increase cost if they can prove they offer high-quality teaching
  10. BBC News Online: Budget 2015: Student maintenance grants scrapped

    BBC News Online’s coverage of the Budget’s announcement that student maintenance grants would be replaced by loans included our response to the Chancellor of the Exchequer‘s measures. Responding to the tuition fee changes, Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of University Alliance, said: “Linking tuition fees to inflation is essential if our universities are to offer world […]

    Read more of: BBC News Online: Budget 2015: Student maintenance grants scrapped