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  1. CSR: Skills for new growth

    Read University Alliance’s submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review – ‘Skills for new growth’. We have also summarised the key priorities for skills for new growth for the Government to bear in mind ahead of the CSR. They are: Numbers. More graduates are needed to keep pace with growing demand for higher skills. The cap on student numbers must remain […]

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  2. The Independent: David Cameron’s tough stance on immigration is damaging UK universities, professors say

    David Cameron’s tough rules on immigration are taking their toll on UK universities as international students struggle to stump up the fees for entry, according to university and business leaders. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of the University Alliance, which represents 18 colleges, said that Cameron’s stance could damage the competitiveness of the UK. “We rely […]

    Read more of: The Independent: David Cameron’s tough stance on immigration is damaging UK universities, professors say
  3. Bloomberg Business: Cameron’s Immigration Clampdown Seen Hurting U.K. Universities

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell has been quoted in coverage by Bloomberg Business on the Government’s immigration policy. In July, Business Secretary Sajid Javid called for those studying in Britain to lose the right to stay once they’ve finished their courses. The approach contrasts with that of Canada or Australia, where post-study routes to work are […]

    Read more of: Bloomberg Business: Cameron’s Immigration Clampdown Seen Hurting U.K. Universities
  4. University Alliance welcomes the results from the Longitudinal DLHE

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency published the results of the longitudinal survey of 2010/11 graduates which asks what they are doing three and a half years after leaving university. Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “These results confirm the value of a university degree. 94% of graduates are in work or study three and a […]

    Read more of: University Alliance welcomes the results from the Longitudinal DLHE
  5. Being innovative about the future of innovation funding

    Last month, the Conservative Government launched its “Productivity Plan” – an ambitious document which aims ‘to reverse the long-term productivity problem and secure rising living standards and a better quality of life for our citizens’[1]. The 15-point plan includes a chapter on high-quality science and innovation, and the role that the creation and application of […]

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  6. Guardian HE Network: It’s foolish to argue that we don’t need so many graduates in the UK

    Our chair Professor Steve West, Vice-Chancellor of UWE Bristol, has responded to the CIPD report that claims the number of people graduating from university now vastly outweighs the number of high-skilled jobs available. Professor West writes in the Guardian HE Network Blog, “But [CIPD’s] warning seems extremely shortsighted in its assumptions – if anything, graduate employment […]

    Read more of: Guardian HE Network: It’s foolish to argue that we don’t need so many graduates in the UK
    Students at Plymouth University
  7. University Alliance responds to CIPD report on graduates in the labour market

    Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “The widely reported CIPD figure that 58.8% of graduates are in non-graduate jobs comes from 2010 during a weak economy. The latest Graduate Labour Market Statistics found that more graduates are in work this year than at any time since 2007 and that graduates earn almost £10,000 […]

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to CIPD report on graduates in the labour market
  8. HE and FE Show 2015

    14 October 2015, ExCEL, London Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell will be giving a speech at this year’s HE and FE Show. The show which is free to attend has a broad programme leader speakers from government and policy, including David Willetts, former Universities and Science Minister and visiting professor, the Policy Institute and Sir Ian Diamond, […]

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  9. Overall student satisfaction increases for Alliance universities

    Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said in response to the annual National Student Survey published today: “It is positive to see high levels of student satisfaction being maintained within UK higher education. This shows that the sector is working hard to deliver a quality experience for students who are, quite rightly, keen to […]

    Read more of: Overall student satisfaction increases for Alliance universities