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  1. Informal activities: Green Capital puts students at heart of community

    The University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) was instrumental in helping  Bristol become European Green Capital  for 2015 – the first UK city to win this prestigious award. The city won the award not just because of its plans for the future but because of the city-wide efforts that Bristol’s people and businesses […]

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  2. THE: Higher education Green Paper: reaction

    Universities and other sector bodies have given a cautious welcome to proposals contained in a new Green Paper on higher education in THE. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of University Alliance, said that universities will “welcome the government’s commitment to support more people from disadvantaged backgrounds to access, and succeed within, higher education”. “But this does come […]

    Read more of: THE: Higher education Green Paper: reaction
  3. Guardian HE network: The Teaching Excellence Framework: can higher education up its game?

    Our chief executive Maddalaine features in an extensive look at the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework in the Guardian HE Network. “…The inclusion of employability statistics could also disadvantage some universities and give students a skewed picture. Comparing the employability data for say, philosophy and nursing could be misleading. “Measuring excellence in a research-intensive university that’s […]

    Read more of: Guardian HE network: The Teaching Excellence Framework: can higher education up its game?
  4. Response to the BIS Commons Select Committee Inquiry assessing quality in HE

    Read our written evidence submitted to the BIS Commons Select Committee Inquiry assessing quality in higher education. Click on our logo to download the PDF. We recommend: Quality Assessment (QA) and the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) should be integrated into a single system. TEF should not by itself be used to determine whether universities can charge undergraduates […]

    Read more of: Response to the BIS Commons Select Committee Inquiry assessing quality in HE
  5. University Alliance is delighted to welcome The Open University

    The Open University – which has been transforming people’s lives through supported distance learning since 1969 – has re-joined University Alliance. Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “As an innovative university with an impressive record in delivering research with impact and high quality teaching, The Open University is a natural fit for University […]

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  6. University Alliance welcomes HEPI report on the decline in part-time higher education

    In response to the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) report It’s the finance, stupid! The decline of part-time higher education and what to do about it, Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “HEPI provides a timely warning that part-time higher education – essential if we really want to increase the productivity of the workforce […]

    Read more of: University Alliance welcomes HEPI report on the decline in part-time higher education
  7. From Bangladesh to Great Britain: university-business collaboration will bring a bright future

    On my flight from Dubai to Bangladesh for a British Council Global Education Dialogue, I was surrounded by young Bangladeshi men excited about coming home for their annual holiday.  Every year, 400,000 Bangladeshis leave the country to work overseas. Many take low-skilled jobs in the Gulf’s booming construction industries.  There are concerns about conditions, and […]

    Read more of: From Bangladesh to Great Britain: university-business collaboration will bring a bright future