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  1. University Alliance: Higher Education Green Paper response

    University Alliance today issues its response to the government’s Green Paper, Fulfilling Our Potential: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice. Read our response in full here (PDF) We agree that excellent teaching within universities should be recognised and rewarded – and made available to everyone with the ability and aspiration to benefit from it. Our […]

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  2. How can your research impact on future policies?

    Dr Jean-Christophe Nebel, Associate Professor in Computing Science and Bioinformatics at Kingston University, recently took part in the Royal Society’s pairing scheme. He shadowed Graham Dean, Higher Scientific Officer at the Home Office Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST). Before taking part in the programme, I, like probably many scientists, imagined a Parliament full […]

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  3. Wonkhe: Level playing fields are better than handicaps

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell recently had a blog published by Wonkhe on what is needed to ensure more students from disadvantaged backgrounds access and succeed in higher education. “The recent Green Paper includes a laudable promise from the Government which plans to continue to push for better access, retention and progression for students from disadvantaged backgrounds and […]

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  4. New Year’s Honours for Alliance universities’ staff

    Staff at Alliance universities have been recognised for exceptional achievement and service in the annual New Year’s Honours List. Among them are three academics from UWE Bristol: Professor Nichola Rumsey, Co-Director of the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) at UWE Bristol, has been awarded an OBE for services to people affected by an altered appearance. […]

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  5. Shedding light on policymaking and research

    The Royal Society’s pairing scheme brings together research scientists with UK parliamentarians and civil servants. They learn about each other’s work by spending time together in Westminster and the researcher’s labs.  Darrin Baines, Professor in Health Economics at Coventry University has analysed many aspects of health care efficiency over a 20 year career. He took […]

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  6. University Alliance responds to the announcement of Stern Review of university research funding

    Responding to the government’s announcement of the Stern Review of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Lord Stern’s review of research funding provides an important opportunity to both recognise and better understand Britain’s research strengths, building on the dynamism and diversity which exist in the system. “As Sir […]

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  7. Prof John Latham announced as new University Alliance Deputy Chair

    Professor John Latham, Vice-Chancellor of Coventry University, has been elected as the new Deputy Chair of University Alliance. Professor Latham will take up the three-year position on 1 January 2016, succeeding Professor Mary Stuart, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Lincoln, who has performed the role since 2012. Steve West, Vice Chancellor of the University of […]

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