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  1. UA Summit 2016 – Leading the way in our cities and regions

    Thursday 2 June, 9am – 5pm Coventry University Our annual UA Summit brings together our member institutions and key stakeholders to focus on the key issues facing the higher education sector. This year we are exploring the role of our universities as leaders in their cities and regions, delivering the world-class teaching, research and employer engagement […]

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  2. University Alliance responds to UCAS January deadline statistical release

    Commenting on the UCAS January deadline statistical release, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Making university education available to everyone who can benefit is fundamental to social mobility in Britain. So it is encouraging that those from the most disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to apply than ever before. This is testament to the […]

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  3. Health networks & partnerships: Teaming up in the community

    Greenwich continually strives to make a strong impact on the communities it serves. The innovative partnership between the university and Charlton Athletic Football Club, launched in 2014, is at the heart of this mission to create significant and lasting relationships with local people and organisations. The two partners see mutual benefits from this close association: […]

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  4. Going Global 2016

    University Alliance is one of the British Council’s Reciprocal Partners for this year’s Going Global summit, taking place in May in Cape Town, South Africa. Going Global is an annual forum for education leaders from across the world, coming together to debate issues and challenges facing the sector globally, strengthen networks and discuss collaborative solutions. […]

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  5. Research: Software ‘watches’ patients’ vital signs and save lives

    A clinical system that is used in a handheld device such as an iPad or smartphones ‘watches’ patients’ vital signs, saving almost 800 lives in its first year. The Learning Clinic developed the VitalPAC system with help from medics at Portsmouth Hospitals Trust and clinical outcome modelling experts from the hospital and the University of […]

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  6. CPD: End of life care Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

    A free online course supports health and social care workers in providing palliative or end of life care.  Sheffield Hallam University partnered with St Luke’s Hospice to launch the free online course. It provides a flexible learning opportunity based on conversations about death and dying, increasing awareness of the needs and experiences of patients nearing […]

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  7. Teaching & training: Meeting the workforce needs of local healthcare community

    The University of Lincoln is producing new generations of nurses to meet the workforce needs of its local healthcare community. Almost 100 new nurses began work on the wards of Lincolnshire’s hospitals in the summer/autumn of 2015 after completing their undergraduate degrees with the University of Lincoln in the 2014/15 academic year. It was the […]

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  8. Integration of Innovate UK into Research UK consultation workshop

    At the Spending Review (Autumn 2015) the Government announced that it would be taking forward the recommendations of the Nurse review and introduce a new body – Research UK – which would work across the seven existing Research Councils. It was also announced that the Government would look to integrate Innovate UK into Research UK. […]

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