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  1. Apprenticeships fit for the twenty first century

    Degree Apprenticeships represent great new opportunities for both students and universities. In doing so, they are helping to challenge prejudices around applied professional teaching and learning. They deliver the transferable skills that you would expect from a degree: critical thinking, resilience, effective communication and time management, while providing employers with individuals who are able to be productive to […]

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  2. Success for four Alliance universities in HR excellence in Research Awards

    Four Alliance universities have achieved or retained a prestigious award which helps to realise the potential of researchers. Kingston University has achieved the European Commission HR Excellence in Research Awards, while Manchester Metropolitan University has retained theirs following a two-year self assessment. University of Huddersfield and Plymouth University also retained their Award following their four-year self-assessment. Institutions […]

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  3. Standing out from the IT crowd: how do we make Britain a world leader in digital skills?

    Last week, University Alliance and the Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE) held an expert roundtable on digital skills to help inform the ongoing Science and Technology Select Committee inquiry on Digital Skills. The event, at the London offices of Google UK, involved representatives from universities, sector bodies and business, and was chaired by Nicola Blackwood, […]

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  4. How can the HEA’s Embedding Employability Framework be used to help universities engage employers?

    Over the past couple of months, we’ve run a series of regional workshops, exploring how to best support STEM-related employer engagement in higher education.  These events follow the recent publication of our research report, Mind the gap – engaging employers to secure the future of STEM in higher education. As part of the programme, the […]

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  5. University Alliance response: Grant Letter & Science and Research Allocations

    Commenting on the HEFCE Grant Letter and Science & Research Allocations Booklet published today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Overall today’s announcements will support universities in meeting the Government’s aims by increasing productivity and driving innovation and growth. “Ministers’ backing for the dual support system by maintaining vital Quality Related (QR) funding is excellent news, as […]

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  6. THE – TEF: ‘poorly designed’ system will harm reputations, MPs warn

    The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee’s report on assessing quality in higher education calls for  the government should consult carefully on next steps in the Teaching Excellence Framework. Coverage of the report in Times Higher Education includes a comment from Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell. She said: “The BIS Committee is right to focus on the need […]

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  7. University Alliance responds to BIS Committee’s report on the Teaching Excellence Framework

    Commenting on the BIS Committee’s report on The Teaching Excellence Framework: Assessing Quality in Higher Education, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “The BIS Committee is right to focus on the need for the TEF to deliver genuine improvements and preserve the strong reputation of UK higher education. To succeed it must build on – […]

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  8. UUK: Healthcare degree funding: making the reforms work

    Our chair Steve West, has written a blog for Universities UK focusing on the Government’s decision to reform the system of funding for student nurses, midwives and allied health professionals in England. In Healthcare degree funding: making the reforms work, Prof West – Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of the West of England and chair of Universities […]

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  9. This app can change your life

    There’s an app I’m watching closely. I’ve anxiously followed it through funding and development. I signed up for beta testing (still waiting to be tapped on the shoulder there…) and a year or so after first hearing about it, I’m drumming my fingers impatiently for public release. No, it’s not the latest version of one […]

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  10. Research Professional: Healing powers

    Our report Building healthy cities: The role of universities in the health ecosystem has been featured in Research Professional. The article focuses on our findings, in particular, the implications of changes announced in the 2015 Spending review which will see nursing, midwifery and allied health students moved off grant support on to loans and the […]

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