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  1. OFFA comment on Supporting thriving communities

    The Office for Fair Access (OFFA) has commented on our report, Supporting Thriving Communities: The role of universities in reducing inequality.  OFFA’s Director of Fair Access to Higher Education Professor Les Ebdon said: “I’m glad to see this report celebrating the ways that fair access to university enriches society and the economy as well as transforming individuals’ […]

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  2. Wonkhe: Higher education bills we’ve known and loved

    Following the publication of the Government’s White Paper for Higher Education, University Alliance’s head of policy Graeme Wise takes an in-depth look at how previous pieces of higher education legislation shaped the sector we know today. Writing for Wonkhe, Graeme starts with the Education Act in 1962 before progressing through the next five decades, asking what’s changed, what’s […]

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  3. University Alliance responds to the Government’s Higher Education White Paper

    Responding to the government’s Higher Education White Paper, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “We are pleased that the White Paper reflects many of the points made by the sector during the consultation period. “In particular, it is sensible to implement the Teaching Excellence Framework steadily and over time and to keep checking that […]

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to the Government’s Higher Education White Paper
  4. THE: HE White Paper: the higher education sector responds

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell response to the higher education White Paper, Success as a Knowledge Economy was featured in Times Higher Education’s round-up of the sector’s comments. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of the University Alliance said: “The right regime for higher education and research is essential for building the knowledge economy of the future. These plans […]

    Read more of: THE: HE White Paper: the higher education sector responds
  5. UA responds to HEPI report on educational underachievement of young men

    Responding to HEPI’s report on the educational underachievement of young men, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “This is an important piece of work – both men and women should be able to benefit from a university education. There is growing evidence that young men are not fulfilling their potential and this needs to be addressed. “The […]

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  6. THE: REF should include all academics, says University of Cambridge

    Further coverage of Lord Stern’s Review of the Research Excellence Framework in THE cites our view on the need for research to be funded wherever excellence is found. The article focuses on a proposal that every academic, even those on teaching-only contracts, is submitted to the assessment exercise. Our response to Lord Stern’s review argues against measures […]

    Read more of: THE: REF should include all academics, says University of Cambridge
  7. Research Fortnight: Remember them? Education isn’t just for young people. It’s time to look again at lifetime learning accounts.

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell has written a piece for Research Fortnight on lifetime learning accounts. She writes: “Most education policy is focussed on young people going through school, college or university for the first time. This makes sense practically and politically. If youngsters get it right the first time, society won’t need to put it right […]

    Read more of: Research Fortnight: Remember them? Education isn’t just for young people. It’s time to look again at lifetime learning accounts.
  8. Guardian: Richer students have higher graduate income, study finds

    UA Chair Professor Steve West has been featured in the Guardian’s coverage of the Institute of Fiscal Studies’ report on graduate incomes. The report found that students from richer homes earn thousands more after graduating than their poorer peers – even if they attended the same universities. Prof Steve West, chairman of University Alliance, said: […]

    Read more of: Guardian: Richer students have higher graduate income, study finds