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  1. Supporting success: Working with BMW Group to offer unique degree opportunity

    In June 2015 Oxford Brookes University in partnership with BMW Group launched an innovative new undergraduate programme offering students the opportunity to master both business and automotive management subjects, through studying abroad and gaining valuable industry experience with a major employer. The BSc (Hons) Business and Automotive Management is a specialist programme within the university’s […]

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  2. Collaborative outreach: Stripping out traditional barriers to entry and success

    Coventry University is committed to keeping their doors open wide to students but equally determined that this door does not become a revolving one. It set up Coventry University College (CUC) for people who want to benefit from high quality courses but who have decided that the traditional student experience is not for them. CUC […]

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  3. Helping disadvantaged students: Support for refugees and asylum seekers to benefit from higher education

    Teesside University has been working with asylum and refugee communities as part of its continued commitment to encourage under-represented groups to progress in education. Middlesbrough, where the University is based, has the second-biggest community of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK outside of London, including groups from Sudan, Sri Lanka, Nigeria and the Congo. […]

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  4. Cultural enrichment: The Social Partnerships Network

    Extending higher education opportunities to all those who can benefit is the primary mission for a network of organisations including the Open University (OU). The Social Partnerships Network which also includes learndirect, unionlearn, unison, Workers’ Education Association, Association of Colleges, National Extension College, Leonard Cheshire Disability and the Learn and Work Institute was established in […]

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  5. Supporting success:  Combining work with study to improve future employability

    An initiative at the University of South Wales which allows students to combine work with study is helping to improve students’ future employability. Network75 gives undergraduates the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge to real-life work within a host company. During term time, students work in a local business three days per week and attend […]

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  6. Supporting success: Volunteering is a win-win for students and their local communities

    Unseen by many in the city, hundreds of University of Portsmouth students have given thousands of hours of time and expertise to help the city and region flourish. Among the many volunteers are an artist who redesigned the logo for a small parish church, law students helping those who have been unfairly treated by employers, and […]

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  7. Supporting thriving communities: The role of universities in reducing inequality

    Follow this link for case studies from Alliance institutions The government’s ambitions for higher education to improve life chances will only be met if university leaders make tackling inequality a core part of their mission. Our report, Supporting thriving communities: The role of universities in reducing inequality, identifies strategies for success in widening participation drawing […]

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  8. Supporting thriving communities: Alliance universities case studies

    Universities play an essential role in supporting people and communities to succeed. For Alliance universities, widening participation activity is integral to their way of working, reflecting their origins in close links to industry and the need to reach out to a more diverse student body. The impact of many universities extends well beyond educating graduates and […]

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  9. THE: Tackling inequality must be core university mission, report says

    Our report Supporting thriving communities: The role of universities in reducing inequality has been featured in Times Higher Education. You can read more here about our report – which identifies strategies for success in widening participation drawing on evidence from across the sector. We’ve also brought together a number of case studies which reveal how our […]

    Read more of: THE: Tackling inequality must be core university mission, report says