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  1. Chief Executive UA Summit speech: Leading the way in our cities and regions

    Neil [Neil Carmichael MP*] has spoken about the skills and productivity challenge facing the UK.  There are aspects of it that Alliance Universities are particularly well-placed to meet. We are sometimes described as “new” universities.  But we are not new in the sense that we exist where before there was nothing.  We have a proud […]

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  2. Wonkhe: It’s time for real action on the BME attainment gap

    Following University Alliance’s report last month, Supporting Thriving Communities: the role of universities in reducing inequality, Nona McDuff, Director of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion at Kingston University and Helen Barefoot, Deputy Director of the Learning and Teaching Innovation Centre (LTIC) at the University of Hertfordshire, have written for Wonkhe on how their two institutions are working strategically to […]

    Read more of: Wonkhe: It’s time for real action on the BME attainment gap
  3. UA response: UCAS equality data report

    Commenting on equality data reports published by UCAS today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Today’s publication by UCAS is an important step in providing greater transparency and data which universities can act upon. “While it is important to recognise the progress made in recent years, this granular information will help institutions focus on […]

    Read more of: UA response: UCAS equality data report
  4. UA response to the HEPI/HEA 2016 Student Academic Experience Survey

    Commenting on the 2016 Student Academic Experience Survey published by HEPI and the HEA, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Today’s survey provides important and timely analysis of students’ priorities and experiences. While many of the findings are encouraging, the overall picture is complex. Discrepancies, for example between different disciplines, ethnic groups and between students […]

    Read more of: UA response to the HEPI/HEA 2016 Student Academic Experience Survey
  5. THE: A REF change that would lose telling details

    Professor Alistair Fitt, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford Brookes University and research lead for University Alliance has written a letter to Times Higher Education highlight concerns about proposals for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) to assess institutional research performance as a whole, instead of individual units. Prof Fitt writes: “Unit-level assessment is important because it generates granular data for […]

    Read more of: THE: A REF change that would lose telling details
  6. Closing speech UA Summit 2016: Leading the way in our cities and regions

    Closing speech given by Professor Steve West at the UA Summit 2016 at Coventry University on Thursday 2 June 2016 Thank you Maddalaine. And thank you to John and all the team here at Coventry for being such fantastic hosts. Thank you our participants for your engagement and contributions. Today, we’ve heard about the challenges […]

    Read more of: Closing speech UA Summit 2016: Leading the way in our cities and regions