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  1. UA responds to Government’s Industrial Strategy Green Paper

    …-level skills emerging sectors need. As hubs for innovation, we support thousands of firms to solve technical problems and develop new ideas. As anchor institutions, embedded in our local economies, we provide the local leadership needed to tackle regional imbalances. “The new initiatives trailed by the Green Paper will work best where they build on existing strengths. This is particularly the case with additional support for high-quality technica…

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  2. HEFCE: How higher education can make the industrial strategy a success

    …e Chair and Vice-Chancellor of Coventry University, Professor John Latham, has written an article for the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). He explains the role universities can play in making the UK’s industrial strategy a success. Read the full article on HEFCE’s blog. In our publication, Universities: delivery partners for industrial strategy, we set out how universities can produce high-level skills and support high-value i…

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  3. Alliance universities awarded funds to develop new degree apprenticeships

    …heir success demonstrates that close working with industry to produce work-ready graduates is Alliance universities’ bread and butter. We are proud to be pioneers and key partners of the degree apprenticeships programme. “Degree Apprenticeships are an excellent way to recognise and promote the value of this type of higher education offer. By providing an alternative, work-based model of higher education, they help widen participation by bringing m…

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  4. University Alliance: HE Green Paper response

    Read our response to the Government’s Green Paper: Fulfilling Our Potential: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice. (Either click on the link above or the image) We agree that excellent teaching within universities should be recognised and rewarded – and made available to everyone with the ability and aspiration to benefit from it. Our response to the Green Paper puts forward practical suggestions for how the government’s ambiti…

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