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  1. Cutting the environmental and financial costs of abrasive machining

    …make the production of their innovative new abrasive media more efficient. As a result of this, Vibraglaz UK has started the planning process to build a high volume manufacturing plant to meet anticipated early global demand. GERI’s research has also established the core rules of determining optimal flow parameters for industrial use. These rules feature in training materials by a highly respected third-party American based company ‘TheGrindingDo…

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  2. A quiet delivery for the annual HEFCE Grant Letter

    …university sector is vital to the economic prospects of the UK; excellent world-leading research should be funded wherever it is found; support for student opportunity funding; and a drive to improve our understanding of its impact and recognition of the value of the Higher Education Innovation Fund. Here we pull out the key areas from each section of the letter. Teaching and Learning Student Opportunity Funding is the only funding that recognise…

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  3. Improving Healthcare

    …s with doctors, hospitals, local communities and governments, they conduct world-class research across the spectrum of healthcare and medicine. Their research is improving the quality of healthcare, changing service provision and improving public health policy. This includes involving patients to co-design new health products and services, developing innovative diagnostic tools to assess and treat chronic pain and long-term conditions, rolling out…

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  4. Christmas card competition 2014 – extended deadline

    …re. “From the word ‘Global’ the imagery that comes to mind is of the Earth/world. My research led me to a snow globe, a simple yet effective way of conveying the elements of ‘Global’ and Christmas together. Snow globes convey individual narratives; I portrayed Santa flying around the world at Christmas.” Feeling festive and creative? The University Alliance Christmas Card competition has just launched – if you are a member of staff or a student at…

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  5. HELP UK: Background evidence report

    …wledge; how we deliver value; and how we connect to communities around the world. Our education system needs to adapt to this rapid pace of change, as individuals and the economy place new and changing demands on how and what higher education delivers. Read the background report This was the starting premise for the work University Alliance has been undertaking to look into the challenges facing the higher education funding system and to identify…

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  6. The transformational role of design

    …use and the quality of the lives we lead.   Image by tanakawho Around the world industry and governments are recognising the potential for design to facilitate change, enhance innovation and deliver economic value. This is at a time when enlightened communities are also tackling local and social needs by harnessing and directing the creativity of stakeholders. So design affords us opportunity. In the UK now, there is the opportunity to relook and

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  7. Digital Technologies in Teaching and Learning

    The world we live in is changing rapidly. More people now have access to a mobile phone than have access to a working toilet and by 2030 it is estimated that 75% of the global workforce will be Digital Natives. In education this raises big questions. For example, will students still need to learn and retain hard information when so much of it is now available at the touch of a button? And does this matter? If everyone from school children to gove…

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  8. Guardian – UK higher education: why the current numbers don’t add up

    …uture with any certainty. However, we do know that much is changing in the world around us: how we work, create, share and receive knowledge; how we deliver value; and how we connect to communities around the world. Our education system needs to adapt to this rapid pace of change, as individuals and the economy place new and changing demands on how and what higher education delivers. This means seriously considering the evidence on the need for, a…

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  9. uni_funding: a vision for higher education funding

    We need to rethink how we fund higher education The world is changing fast: how we work; create, share and receive knowledge; deliver value; and connect to people around the world. Our higher education system and the way we fund it needs to adapt to the rapid pace of change as individuals and the economy place new and changing demands on how and what it delivers. We have developed a framework for building a robust funding system that puts higher…

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  10. 2012 Autumn Statement: Our comment

    …re. Reduced funding from Government is no excuse for limited ambition. Our world class sector can flourish, given a clear and ambitious long-term vision of universities. We remain committed to working with Government to direct their investment towards sustaining a healthy, diverse, world-class university sector that contributes to the UK’s economic recovery and so much more. For more information please contact Andrew Henry at University Alliance,…

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