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  1. Don’t Let Snobbery Lead You Astray on A-Level Results Day

    …ense of independence, the support of individual staff and the university structure at this transitional point in a young person’s life. This is to say nothing of the cultural impact of artists and musicians or the benefit to society of our nurses, social workers and teachers whose skills were honed in our universities, even if their salaries do not reflect this. These wide-ranging benefits have been routinely ignored within the disgraceful rhetori…

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    Students receiving A-Level Results
  2. The Teaching Excellence Alliance – Strategic Overview

    …rs need (Industrial Strategy) Equally, if our students are to succeed in a world shaped by next generation technology, we need to equip them not only with the knowledge and skills they need but also with the right personal aptitudes and capabilities; resilience and conscious curiosity; and personal social and cultural capital. (Social Mobility agenda) With this in mind, the Teaching Excellence Alliance will focus on sustained student success. Alli…

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    Teaching Excellence Alliance
  3. What is the Teaching Excellence Alliance?

    …To develop students equipped with the skills and aptitudes to succeed in a world shaped by next generation technology; To demonstrate that Alliance universities are world leaders in professional and technical education for sustained student success; and Ultimately, through evidencing our success and demonstrating our approach delivers better outcomes for some students, to retain a competitive edge in the sector as evidenced in increased policy inf…

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  4. Vocation, Vocation, Vocation – foreword by Professor Edward Peck

    …plying these to real-world tasks, scenarios, and challenges reflecting the world of work. All students require a personalised programme of study and support whilst at university regardless of what and how they have studied previously. It is crucial that we do not adopt a deficit model when considering the requirements of BTEC students. At Nottingham Trent University, our student analytics software – Dashboard – is the tool that our tutors and stud…

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  5. UA responds to Government’s EU science and innovation position paper

    …other European countries is crucial to maintaining the UK’s position as a world-leader in research and innovation. The government is right to prioritise this in its approach to exiting the EU and its latest position paper strikes a positive tone. “There are strong reasons for the UK to seek meaningful access to the next European framework programme for research and innovation. Funding from Horizon 2020 and its predecessors has achieved significan…

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  6. New Year’s Honours for Alliance universities’ staff

    …ty and civic engagement. He led UWE’s partnership work with academies and trust schools and is currently the chairman of the Cabot Learning Federation, a multi-academy trust sponsored by UWE and Rolls Royce responsible for 13 local schools. He was a founder member, director and past chair of Trust in Learning Academies which is co-sponsored by UWE and City of Bristol College and is responsible for another five local schools, including Orchard Scho…

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  7. Mind the gap report – Liverpool John Moores University case study

    …e action plan is based on Barclays staff systematically engaging with LMJU World of Work Careers Centre (WWCC) in its regular careers advice and employability services to students and collaborating on new initiatives to support graduates’ work-readiness. In January 2015 ‘World of Work Uncovered’ was launched where 40 students and 10 academic staff spent a day with Barclays sharing ideas about employability, industry informed curricula and leading…

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  8. Times Higher Education Young Universities Summit, 29-30 April

    …essing a number of key issues: how can younger universities compete on the world stage? How do you establish world-class universities without centuries of history and tradition? How do young universities develop a niche research strategy? These and other burning questions such as the leadership challenges facing less established universities, funding and the pursuit of excellence, and distinctiveness and branding in a competitive global market, ar…

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  9. Providing health advice for mums-to-be

    …he late 1990s seems to have stabilised. Their research has been recognised worldwide and informed policy decisions. For example, it led to changes in Department of Health guidelines, particularly advice that pregnant women (who are allergic or for whom the father or any sibling had an allergy) should avoid peanuts during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The revised guidelines and advice has benefitted groups throughout the health service including par…

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