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  1. THE: Embrace, don't shun, ethos of business

    …ue-added economy, dynamic and agile enough to compete with the best in the world. The demands upon higher education are becoming so diverse that it is time to acknowledge reality – differentiation in our sector. There is a compelling case for a new generation of universities, focused on and expert in working with business – business-facing universities engaging and collaborating with business, the professions and the public sector. Of course, all…

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  2. Hattie’s story – University of Brighton

    …I experienced during Clearing was the fact that I didn’t have a portfolio ready. However, the lecturers were understanding and flexible, and allowed me to quickly pull together a collection of my work. After reviewing my work they offered me a spot on the course and showed their support for my academic goals.  My Advice For Clearing The concept of Clearing can seem very stressful at first, but I found the way Brighton handles it to be very organi…

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  3. Historic compact agreed to take back control of the UK’s creative education system

    …pose, to share creative values across sectors and systems, to ensure widespread access to creative education and to break down barriers.‘‘ Sandra Booth, Director of Policy and External Relations, Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD) “This group came together to address the decline of creative arts education in our schools, colleges and universities. Without decisive action from government, industry, and education creative educati…

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  4. How are the Alliance Awards shortlists and winners selected? 

    …. Here’s how we do it:  1. Longlisting First, the University Alliance team read through every nomination to make sure they are all eligible, for example by checking that every nominee is affiliated with a University Alliance or Doctoral Training Alliance member university. We also remove any incomplete nominations.   Then we pull out the nomination text for all eligible nominees into a longlisted judging pack for each award.  2. Scoring Our judges…

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  5. University Alliance responds to DfE’s Advanced British Standard consultation

    …here is widespread support across the education sector for increasing the breadth of 16-19 education in England, which has narrowed in the past decade. However, the DfE will need to work closely with the higher education sector to ensure there will be no loss of breadth and depth under the ABS, especially for science subjects. It is essential that some of the problems encountered during the rollout of T Levels – notably the uncertainty of whether…

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  6. University Alliance responds to the publication of the NHS Long-Term Workforce Plan

    …and innovative simulation facilities to meet workforce demands. They stand ready to meet the need for new medical school places.” On offering Healthcare degree apprenticeships “High-quality, high-skilled education for healthcare professionals must be safeguarded at all costs. We know, for example, that patient outcomes are better and morbidity rates lower if nurses are educated to at least degree level. Higher and degree apprenticeships are delive…

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  7. University Alliance responds to the DfE’s publication of the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) consultation response

    …essa Wilson, CEO at University Alliance said: “Alliance universities are already ahead of the curve in developing and delivering innovative training and education solutions that enable people to upskill and reskill throughout their lifetime. The introduction of a Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) will open more opportunities up to more people, and as University Alliance, we welcome it wholeheartedly. We are delighted to see that the government has l…

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  8. Over 300 businesses sign University Alliance letter calling on Chancellor to protect “essential” regional innovation programmes

    …e private sector. This could result in a loss of assets, expertise, infrastructure or complete closure for said programmes, which will disadvantage regional economies and innovation ecosystems throughout the UK. It will also directly hinder the levelling up agenda. University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “This is a funding cliff-edge that – if not addressed now – could turn into a valley of death for local innovation in the coming years. In j…

    Read more of: Over 300 businesses sign University Alliance letter calling on Chancellor to protect “essential” regional innovation programmes
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