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  1. How can the HEA’s Embedding Employability Framework be used to help universities engage employers?

    …ill enable them to be successful as they move out of HE and into the wider world. We know all of these are important to employers, and factors such as personal confidence, social awareness and the capacity to reflect and articulate will be of value not only in all professions but in life in general. To this end, the HEA has worked with the sector to produce a Framework for embedding employability in higher education. Engaging with employers is a c…

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  2. Teaching and training: The Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise

    …rtnership has also adopted a flash card intervention developed by students nationally. The impact of the PDSE was recognised by both the Green Gown Awards and the Guardian University Awards in the space of three months at the turn of 2014, when it picked up accolades for Enterprise and Social and Community Impact respectively. It was also awarded the Social Enterprise Mark, alongside one of the University (the first university in the world to rece…

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  3. Research: Lab4Living

    …work with numerous partners including academic colleagues from across the world, the private sector and key healthcare eco-system organisations such as NHS Trusts, older people’s services and others. Third sector partners such as Age Concern, the University of the Third Age and Sheffield Elders also play an active role in contributing to the research process. Research projects they worked on include developed a revolutionary new neck collar which…

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  4. Going Global 2016

    …ica. Going Global is an annual forum for education leaders from across the world, coming together to debate issues and challenges facing the sector globally, strengthen networks and discuss collaborative solutions. This year’s event focuses on the theme of building nations and connecting cultures: education policy, economic development and engagement. It encompasses a diverse range of sessions addressing different aspects of this agenda, including…

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  5. Outreach & widening participation: Brookes Engage offers local students route into HE

    …with experiences that develop skills and attributes beneficial both in the world of study and employment. Students can choose from a range of subjects to study throughout the programme including: Business Faculty (including Business Management, Marketing, Accounting, Economics, Information Management and Hospitality); Computer Technology; Education (Teaching and non-teaching pathways); Healthcare (Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy); History; Mathe…

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  6. Grand designs for the eco-buildings of the future

    …nd Architectural Heritage Champion of Champions Award. Throughout its construction, the team worked alongside mainstream construction companies and local government bodies as part of a wider strategy to raise public awareness and show that eco-homes and buildings did not need to be seen as a highly specialised subset of construction. Professor Sodagar, the Centre’s Director, also helped found the Construction Emissions Community of Practice, a vol…

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  7. What is the role for universities in entrepreneurship?

    …sciplines, academia and business, along with a smattering of visiting international collaborators. And something seems to be working. Alliance graduates contribute nearly 50% to the total revenue of all UK graduate start-companies, employing over 6,000 FTEs. Having visited a number of these hubs now, both at Aalto and in Alliance universities, I can tell you that they are exciting places to be. They are places with few boundaries as to what might…

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  8. THE – Private providers ‘need closer monitoring’, says Alliance report

    …re has been “especially rapid growth among alternative providers of Higher National Diplomas (HNDs), many of whom have relatively short track-records in working within the UK higher education quality assurance system and do not have links with degree awarding bodies”. In addition, “there is almost no comparable information about these providers’ satisfaction, retention or employability rates.” The report cautions against “centrally-imposed minimum…

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  9. Universities at the heart of economic growth

    …mission as ‘both/and’, running within and alongside excellent teaching and world-class research. The report also debunks the myth that economic growth is geographical and argues that funding should be allocated by opportunity rather than simply by postcode. Local Enterprise Partnerships and their universities would then team up with one another in novel ways that align their distinctiveness with opportunity, so in this way, we leverage the natural…

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  10. Flexibility is key

    …itical time, where the future success of the UK, both in terms of our international competitiveness and social cohesion, will very much depend on the decisions we are making now. We need to be bold, we need to be creative and entrepreneurial, and we need to work together to deliver a high quality and diverse university eco-system, that is centre stage for the knowledge economy we are building.” –ends– Press contact Andrew Henry, andrew@www.unialli…

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