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  1. University Alliance Open Day at Clifford Chance

    …ar – a diverse workforce is essential to the future success of our business. Our commitment to recruiting diversely is more than just a sound bite. We have taken decisive action, and a lot of it! We removed the use of application forms in the interview process to ensure candidates are measured on their talent, rather than their background. We have broadened our reach, visiting more universities than ever before (we will be physically visiting in e…

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  2. Effective employer collaboration supports disadvantaged students

    …arkedly different chances of getting a graduate-level job after graduation compared to their peers. Essentially, what the evidence shows us is that disadvantage doesn’t vanish when you enter university. It can follow you through study and into the search for a job. This is partly explained by some employers’ habit of recruiting only from a small group of universities, and thus missing out on a large proportion of the excellent, skilled graduates t…

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  3. David Docherty writes about bridging the gap between education and employment

    …Facebook, just 6% had found out about employer needs or seen an employer recommendation. Clearly there is an issue to address here as far as making sure that students know what the kinds of companies they want to work for look for in a graduate. This is especially true as we know that there is no longer such a direct link between degree specialism and the sector of work one progresses into, so a student’s choice of subject should be far from their…

    Read more of: David Docherty writes about bridging the gap between education and employment
  4. Job ready graduates – what Alliance universities are in the business of producing

    …for their ambitions, a wider perspective on the world around them, and, as one of our colleagues in the US put it recently, “acutely sensitive antennae for knowing when someone is talking rot.” Fundamentally, that’s exactly what employers need. See our Job Ready pages to find out what employers are saying about working with Alliance universities….

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  5. Our response to Lord Young’s report on enterprise, Enterprise for All

    …need to prepare people for the reality of a technology-rich future in the UK. This means keeping courses relevant. This is an area Alliance universities are global leaders in; 6 of the 20 universities to receive the Small Business Charter Awards so far have been Alliance universities. They are universities delivering work-ready and enterprising graduates through their close links with employers. They are leading on entrepreneurialism with half of…

    Read more of: Our response to Lord Young’s report on enterprise, Enterprise for All
  6. university_vision

    …t universities are for and the shape that they will take in 2025 and beyond. To ensure the scenarios are as comprehensive as they can be we have designed the university_vision process to be inclusive and collaborative, stretching traditional scenario planning to include a large number of views and opinions through high-level workshops, one-to-one meetings and the use of social media. Why scenario planning? Scenario planning is a valuable tool for…

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  7. HEBCI start up figures

    …isation of new knowledge, delivery of professional training and consultancy. These comprise part of a much wider economic impact. There is much to celebrate. One of the measures reported on is graduate start-ups. As described and demonstrated in our recent project Start-up: a story this is an area where Alliance universities and their graduates are leading the way. The figures out this week show that across the sector employment has increased to 1…

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    …when sentencing; and prisons should provide child-friendly visiting centres. UK Supreme Court judge Baroness Hale is a patron of the COPING project and attended its Brussels conference. Afterwards she said: “All in the criminal justice, social welfare and education fields should recognise the needs of this group of children and make proper provision for them.” Academic staff at the University of Huddersfield’s Centre for Applied Childhood Studies…

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  9. We'll put best foot forward – and boot in if we have to

    …n of looking at a taxation system of some sort, and…contributions that are coming through employers”. Professor West raised the question of whether a mooted graduate tax should be applied not only to “graduates [who] are coming out”, but also to those who have already been through the system. Taxing existing graduates might be “politically impossible”, he conceded, but he said there was a need to consider the worth of “mixed models where you have…

    Read more of: We'll put best foot forward – and boot in if we have to