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  1. Jack Hanson – University of Derby

    …which is a stock exchange controller we use from first year, where you can compile information on companies from around the world and compare them.” Jack is looking to complete financial data company Bloomberg’s training course on using the Bloomberg Market Concepts application in the lab, which can help when looking at careers in global finance. He is about to go into his second year of his degree and he is keeping his options for the future open…

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  2. Kingston University research into communicating with BAME communities

    …to reach populations, believes the reasons behind this are much more social-cultural than to do with pre-existing or genetic conditions. “We know that Covid-19 is disproportionately represented in minority groups. The recent figures show that even when socio-economic deprivation is taken into account, Black and South Asian people who live in the United Kingdom are more likely to die from Covid-19 and that is a really serious issue,” Dr Vandrevala…

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  3. 2020 reviewed by our networks

    …ereira Union Affairs Officer, Leeds Beckett Student Union Supporting their Communities, and the Nation/s, throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Alliance universities have been at the forefront of the Covid response. Thousands of nursing students from all 12 Alliance universities volunteered to take up positions with in the NHS to support the nationwide effort to stem the spread of the virus; something Birmingham City University PVC Dean Professor Alis…

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  4. Get to know the speakers

    …primary school teacher for over ten years. She left teaching in 2015 to become a full-time organiser for the National Union of Teachers, and served as Deputy General Secretary of the Socialist Educational Association before being elected to Parliament. Following her election in 2017, and subsequent re-election in 2019, Emma has risen in the Labour Party to become Shadow Minister for Further Education and Universities in 2020.Teaching and educatio…

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  5. SuNSE: stimulating social enterprise in isolated regions of Northern Europe

    …be conducted to measure impact and to help shape future policy decisions. Previous workshops Coming soon The SUNSE Social Enterprise (Evening) Academy (SSEEA) … This will help you to use the SuNSE toolkit ( effectively, build up your idea canvasses to give you ‘idea clarity’, and help prepare you to use Line 2 – Prepare your detailed Business Plan. This will be run by the University of Greenwich and Hogeschool voor de Ku…

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  6. White Paper stifles student choice and growth of the sector

    …orkforce in order to innovate and grow their economies. In an increasingly competitive global and innovation-led economy, we cannot afford to ignore the importance of graduates in achieving future growth.” — end — Notes to editors: University Alliance response to the White Paper can be accessed here. In 2000, the UK was 3rd amongst top industrialised nations in terms of the proportion of young people graduating. In 2008 we had fallen to 15th posit…

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    Innovative students
  7. University Alliance shocked at David Willetts’ outdated and elitist comments

    …ducate over 26% of all UK students and achieve some of the highest graduate-level employment rates. Alliance universities offer a research- informed, academic learning environment and a culture of innovation and enterprise, equipping graduates who will help deliver growth to the UK economy. Our universities maintain a revolving door with business to help ensure graduate employers get innovative and thoughtful, professionally accredited graduates w…

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    david willetts - photo credit BIS
  8. Comment on the latest UCAS application figures

    …DS Notes to Editors The UCAS figures will be available from their website ( Copies of our recent publications, ‘Proposal for a Graduate Contribution Scheme in England’ and ‘Efficiency, leadership and partnership: an approach that delivers shared economic priorities’ are available from the University Alliance website. University Alliance represents 23 major, dynamic, business-like universities at the heart of the sector that deliver wo…

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  9. Historic compact agreed to take back control of the UK’s creative education system

    …nce, whose members include Birmingham City University and many others who offer valuable opportunities to study creative subjects, I am delighted to see passionate representatives from a range of sectors able come together and deliver a plan of action through the development of a Creative Education Compact. The Compact not only sets out measures for the new government, but also outlines how we as sector representatives can take back control of cre…

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