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Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. “We need to highlight how rewarding a career in health can be”

    …launched a course on paediatric nursing: that stemmed from our local NHS trust outlining what skills needs are required in the city and region. Nursing applications are down 18% across the country this year. That’s why it’s our duty as universities, working with NHS trusts and with government, to ensure that potential students understand how rewarding careers in nursing and midwifery and other healthcare areas can be. We have a duty to encourage…

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    Ross Renton
  2. Peer Review College

    …e thinking and activity, with a focus of making innovative course designs ‘live’ Support team work through the practicalities of implementation. Help staff to think cohesively about the challenges they face in delivering their programme and the implications for professional practice Session suitable for: Programme teams entering a design / re-design process Multi-disciplinary groups or single discipline teams Length: half-day Provided by: a team o…

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  3. #WeAreInternational blog: Faustina Edward

    …in England would give me the opportunity to meet people from all over the world and learn about different cultures,” she said. “Choosing to study at Kingston was a real gut decision as I did not have a chance to visit the University before I arrived and based my decision on what I’d read on the website and Kingston’s reputation. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made.” Faustina’s work at home in Saint Lucia saw her named a highly…

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  4. The DTA celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 with an ‘in conversation with’ talk

    …t the University of South Wales), who was joined by Co-Chairs of the DTA Researcher Representative Committee – Ana Tendero-Cañadas (Bioscience, Brighton), April Murray Cantwell (Social Policy, Sheffield Hallam) and Katheryn Margaret Pascoe (Social Policy, Ulster). In their talk, the DTA leaders discussed the challenges for women in research careers, why the DTA reps put themselves forwards for leadership roles, the development of leadership skills…

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  5. Realising the benefits of the KEF through collaboration

    …ons and across the sector. Where existing relationships are thriving and delivering true benefits to academia, industry, and the economy and society more broadly, we need to be sure that we work to capture the value on an ongoing basis to ensure success is recognised and best practice is shared. However, this value must be viewed holistically. The cultural benefits afford by the arts may be more difficult but are not impossible to measure. The bus…

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  6. Stronger Together: Building A University Alliance For The Future

    …y platform, setting out a bold agenda. We’ve got a history of working constructively with policymakers behind the scenes, while advocating, arguing and lobbying hard for our 21 full and programme members. And we run great initiatives, including our Doctoral Training Alliance, which has supported hundreds of PhD scholars since 2015. But we can’t stand still. I want to get away from the old-fashioned, hierarchical outlook within higher education, wh…

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    Woman lifting weights
  7. In conversation with business leaders: here’s what SMEs like mine need from the Chancellor

    …bility to innovate? An article in Harvard Business Review last year cited Crunchbase research that only 2.3% of women-led start-ups received venture capital funding in 2020. It’s a similar story in the UK. You just have to be pragmatic. I launched Chater Smart expecting to grow the firm organically rather than looking for outside investment. Growth may happen more slowly, but we can still innovate! How important are SMEs/early-stage businesses to…

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  8. #WeAreInternational blog: Heraldas Gaspariunas

    …CEO of an early-stage biotech start-up, ACellZ. His company is based on research developed by University of Hertfordshire PhD students and is focused on chemical safety in the eye. Heraldas has been very successful in securing large grants to grow his business, including £50k from Innovation to Commercialisation of University Research (ICURe), and £300k from Innovate UK. He has also continued to receive support from Herts since embarking on his e…

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  9. Lifelong Loan Entitlement: opportunities for learners, choices for universities?

    …of flexibility and inclusion We can use learning from our experiences of delivering apprenticeship provision to do this. Talking to potential students To make modular provision work for potential students, we need to understand how we can structure courses in a way that will fit round their work and other commitments, and ensure modules make sense on their own as well as part of a parent qualification. Rethinking student experience We will need to…

    Read more of: Lifelong Loan Entitlement: opportunities for learners, choices for universities?