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  1. Integrating research-based learning across the university: University of Lincoln

    …graduate Final-Year Projects and Dissertations’. Higher Education Academy. [Accessed: 23/8/16] Healey, M., Jenkins, A. & Lea, J. (2014). ‘Developing Research-Based Curricula in College-Based Higher Education’. Higher Education Academy.…

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  2. SPARK social enterprise at University of Brighton

    …ies Opportunity scoping Brainstorm and evaluate potential product-customer combinations and product-beneficiaries combinations and make choices Develop and validate the product Develop processes and key suppliers Generate value Make innovation a regular act The project has also developed an innovation roadmap model for established social enterprises. Discuss your strategic priorities Opportunity scoping Evaluate product-customer and product-benefi…

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  3. Interview: University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson

    …usiness done when you really need to.” She anticipates the taskforce won’t come to an abrupt end post-Covid, either: “I think the commitment from the minister is that she finds this particular group of people really useful. I get a sense that the group itself will be used more regularly for consultation and engagement. Certainly, all the messages that we’re getting out from the department and the bodies is positive.” Michelle Donelan has “really s…

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  4. New report finds collaboration and connectivity key to securing the future of UK research and innovation

    …vation ecosystem Selectivity drives excellence Keeping ahead of our global competitors in research and knowledge isn’t possible without selectivity. Open, competitive and peer reviewed funding allocations and a dual support system that balances stability and dynamism allow universities to invest strategically and develop the peaks of excellence that keep the UK at the forefront of global knowledge. That’s why University Alliance is calling on deci…

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  5. Home

    …ion for Bristol Posted on July 16, 2021 Connecting people to employment in computing at Birmingham City University Posted on July 16, 2021 Patient Simulations and Critical Care at Coventry University Posted on July 15, 2021 More Skills for the future Healthcare for the future Immersive Nursing Simulation at the University of Derby Posted on January 30, 2023 Improving transition for newly qualified nurses – University of Derby Posted on May 11, 202…

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  6. Health networks & partnerships: Teaming up in the community

    …o serving our local community, and it made a great deal of sense for us to come together, combining resources to work more closely with, for instance, schools, hospitals and community groups,” she says. “Sport plays a really important role at the university, too. We run degree programmes in sports science, sports event management, sports marketing and sports psychology, and we train PE teachers, so there is plenty of scope here to enrich our teach…

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  7. University Alliance: Innovating Future Business 2017

    …Innovating Future Business 2017, visit our website. Click here to read more about the students’ business proposals, and more details on the investors can be found on our blog. Data on graduate start-ups taken from HE Business and Community Interaction Survey 2015/16 by HESA: For press enquiries please contact Joshua Hastings, Communications Officer: /…

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    Innovating Future Business 2017
  8. Applicants are demonstrating their awareness of what it takes to be competitive

    …he UK needs more graduates if we are to come out of this recession able to compete in the global marketplace. Today’s figures are a welcome sign that applications are continuing to grow each year. Given that 80% of newly created jobs are in high-skill areas that require a hightech and innovative approach, universities are playing a critical role in driving the UK’s economic future. These applicants are demonstrating their awareness of what it take…

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