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  1. How Alliance universities are contributing to the fight against Coronavirus

    …ospital workers Developing a training video (for resus) to be used by the trust to train staff to respond to Covid19 Students are volunteering in local trusts and delivering services such as food banks and producing care packages for those vulnerable in the community Providing expertise and scientific evidence to inform decision making of resilience forums and public engagement through the media Download the full list of ways Alliance Universities…

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  2. UA CEO writes for Wonkhe on the Wicked Problem of “value” in HE

    Writing for Wonkhe’s series on wicked problems facing the HE sector, UA CEO, Vanessa Wilson, examined the issues around defining value when it comes to higher education. Vanessa said “narrow definitions of value based on salary potential could risk discounting the immense social and cultural value that the many teachers, artists, nurses, and others bring. I would argue that this is wrong.” “As a sector, we must come together to make our case comp…

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  3. University Alliance responds to general election result

    University Alliance, the voice of professional and technical universities, gave congratulations to the Conservative party on their successful election campaign and reaffirmed their commitment to working with the new government. Vanessa Wilson, University Alliance Chief Executive said: “We congratulate the Prime Minister and look forward to working with the new government to realise commitments on NHS workforce and technical education.” Speaking o…

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  4. University Alliance supports NUS calls for return of Maintenance Grant

    …Institute of Fiscal Studies, this means that the poorest students will accrue debts of £57,000 before graduation.[1] Governments in other parts of the UK have maintained or increased their grant funding, leaving English students out of step with their peers in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and graduating with the highest overall debts. The group has called for: The reinstatement of non-repayable maintenance grant funding for students stud…

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  5. TEA Sandpit Triumphs at this year’s SEDA Conference

    …ng. Participants tease out “quick wins” and strategic workable long-term solutions to ‘wicked’ problems, e.g. addressing the BAME attainment gap, embedding employability and designing inclusive curricula. Penny Sweasey who manages the TEA and runs the sandpit events said “I am really proud of the work we have done through the TEA, bringing universities together to share expertise and find collaborative solutions to common challenges, and I am huge…

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  6. Christmas Card Competition 2019

      We are looking for a creative festive design to decorate the front cover of our 2019 Christmas card. The chosen winner will receive a £50 high-street voucher and be credited on the back of a card, which will be seen by senior politicians, university staff and high-level political influencers, as well as being shared on our website. How to Enter Design an A5 card reflecting the work of University Alliance with a festive twist. See the design bri…

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  7. As PM shores-up EU funding, UA warns it must not just fall to the “usual suspects”

    …seize the opportunity to champion and invest in a diverse research infrastructure that meets priority areas post-Brexit, or risk investing in a one-tier system that doesn’t utilise the rich multiplicity of HE institutions or researchers.”   The Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA) is the UK’s largest cohort-based doctoral training programme of its kind. Launched by University Alliance in 2015, it builds on our universities’ research strengths and ind…

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  8. Jo Johnson MP Appointed as Minister of State

    During his first afternoon in office, new Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that Jo Johnson would be returning to his previous position as a Minister of State within the Departments for Education and Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. He held this position from 2015 to 2018 under David Cameron and Theresa May. In recent months, Jo Johnson has been extremely vocal in his critique of the fee reduction called for by the independent panel…

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    Jo Johnson MP
  9. The Future of Clearing

    …part of the application cycle.” However, as has been exposed by UUK and UCAS’s widespread review into University admissions, clearing is by no means a perfect or universally admired process. Penny recognises this. She said “Across the sector, and in government, there is scrutiny around admissions: there are arguments for and against a post-results admissions system. Whatever the process, universities recognise how quickly the clearing process has…

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