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  1. Supporting success: Working with BMW Group to offer unique degree opportunity

    …ts to go take up positions in a range of other settings nationally or internationally, including multinational business, charity or education sectors, healthcare and government. In 2016/17 the Business School will be moving from the University’s Wheatley Campus to Headington Campus as part of Oxford Brookes’ 10 year estates investment plan to improve the quality of teaching and learning facilities and provide a consistent experience for students….

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  2. UA responds to the Stern Review of the REF

    …ncome input against research quality output. National research data infrastructure should be developed as a one-stop shop for information for researchers and the HE sector more broadly. The analytical function and expertise which has been built up around the REF should form the nucleus of a national research analysis unit, informing the entire UK research and innovation ecosystem in an advisory role to Research UK when it is formed. Environment an…

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  3. Campus wellbeing: Festival offers a health boost for body and mind

    …oga and table tennis. All the sessions are free and led by experienced instructors and are designed to give staff and students of all abilities the chance to get involved. In addition to the physical activities, the last Festival of Wellbeing in 2015 also included a mocktails dry bar, serving non-alcoholic cocktails, a farmers’ market and a public lecture titled ‘Boozed up and Busted’, which provided an informative look at student drinking behavio…

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  4. THE: Scheme opens up PhD training opportunities at post-92s

    Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive, and Professor Paul Harrison, the National Director of the Doctoral Training Alliance were interviewed by THE ahead of the initiative’s launch last week. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of the University Alliance, said she hoped that research councils would be persuaded to contribute towards the initiative if it proves to be effective. “We hope we can show to the research councils that our institutions have s…

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  5. CSR: Research and innovation funding

    …ation but guards against duplication and inefficiency. Knowledge exchange. National knowledge exchange schemes improve the innovation capacity of businesses through investment in human capital. Funding could be streamlined for national and regional objectives – but support must be retained. Science and innovation. The Government’s science and innovation audits need to capture the wide range of university-business partnerships. This must include ac…

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  6. Science and research – the first election hustings?

    …ts with Home Secretary Teresa May as she has said she wanted to expel international students (non-EU) once they graduate from UK universities, making them apply for a new visa from their home countries if they wanted to work in the UK. This was ruled out by the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, after fears it would damage universities and business. On tuition fees, Byrne said that around £70-80bn of student debt will have to be written o…

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  7. University Alliance is pleased to announce our new CEO

    …She then studied and qualified as a solicitor practising with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and later the US law firm Sullivan and Cromwell LLP. After six years, she joined the civil service on the fast stream. She has held a number of appointments including with the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit, Home Office and BIS. She worked on the HE White Paper for the then Minister for Universities and Science, David Willetts, and was appointed to her pre…

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  8. Guardian – Almost a quarter of postgrad students at English universities are Chinese

    …The Guardian reports that figures from the Higher Education Funding Council for England show falling numbers of international students in the UK. In response Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance said, “this is further evidence that we are losing international students to other nations due to the UK’s restrictive policy on post-study work visas. This is harming our economy as well as our universities.” Read the full article….

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  9. Coventry University

    …educational offerings to Coventry University Wroclaw in Poland. This international branch provides students with an opportunity to study in a different cultural and academic environment while earning a degree awarded by Coventry University. Coventry University is dedicated to providing students with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities across all academic disciplines. From health, design, and engineering laboratories to performing arts studi…

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  10. University of South Wales

    …ted with employers, to provide a skilled and relevant workforce for local, national, and international industries. The University is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can flourish. They are a University of Sanctuary, recognising their commitment to creating a welcoming culture for people seeking sanctuary within, and beyond, their campuses. USW has three main campuses in Cardiff, Newport, and Pontypridd. Th…

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