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  1. Remaining students must be allowed to return to higher education

    Responding to the Prime Minister’s latest announcement on the lifting of lockdown, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “On behalf of our member students and staff we are disappointed that, following this most recent government review, the PM has made no commitment for the remaining higher education students to be allowed to return to campus and in person teaching from 12th April. This is despite overwhelming evidence that our university…

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  2. Three QAA bids won by consortia made up of University Alliance and DTA members

    In the recent QAA call for expressions of interest to lead Collaborative Enhancement Partnership Projects, 3 out of the 13 successful bids were from consortia made up of University Alliance Members and members of our Doctoral Training Alliance. Two of the projects, Developing a set of inclusive assessment design attributes for use across the HE sector and Making the language of assessment inclusive, arose through collaborations identified at UA’s…

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  3. University and Student Union leaders call for a return to campus

    More than 40 University Chancellors, Chairs of governing bodies, Vice-Chancellors and Student Union presidents from the University Alliance have joined together to call on the Prime Minister to permit universities to re-open from April 12. In an open letter to the Prime Minister, the group urge the Government to allow a return to campus for all higher education students, stating that delaying their return will significantly impact students’ devel…

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  4. Government must allow all remaining Higher Education students to return

    Responding to calls for the Government to allow remaining Higher Education students to return to campus on 12th April, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “We support the call for all remaining higher education students to be allowed to return to campus from 12th April, as students in all stages of education have already been permitted. Delaying any further only serves to undermine the tremendous work and significant investment by univer…

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  5. University Alliance Chair launches LGBTQ+ network for postgraduate researchers with ‘in conversation with’ talk.

    …iving to do more. I am pleased that networks, like the LGBTQ+ that DTA are running, will create inclusive spaces and be driven by the power and energy of those within them to generate wider change in our institutions.”   This is just one of the networks created by the DTA during the pandemic. The DTA Team support researchers to coordinate these groups themselves via WhatsApp groups and virtual gatherings. Others that have been set up are dedicated…

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  6. UA responds to Government announcement of further hardship funding

    …are experiencing growing financial hardship as a result of the ongoing disruption from the pandemic. Alliance universities have made significant investments to ensure support reaches those students most in need, including those facing financial difficulty and to tackle challenges relating to digital inclusion and wellbeing. “With demands on the support available continuing to increase, the Government’s announcement of an additional £50million of…

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  7. University Alliance responds to the Government’s Skills for jobs White Paper and Interim Conclusion of the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding

    …ls, and more broadly as an essential part of the national education infrastructure, it is right that further education receives additional investment and post-16 education is reformed. However, it is also vital that the role of universities in delivering technical skills is not forgotten; the divide between academic and technical education can be overstated. Alliance universities are both technical and academic in their education and research, wit…

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to the Government’s Skills for jobs White Paper and Interim Conclusion of the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding
  8. UA hosts Research & Innovation roundtable with Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser, Chief Executive of UKRI

    On Wednesday 13 January, University Alliance hosted a roundtable with our Research & Innovation network and Chief Executive of UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser. The discussion centred around creating and enabling a positive research culture within higher education institutions and improving equality, diversity and inclusion across the whole research and innovation pipeline; reflecting the shared priorities of UKRI an…

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  9. 2020 reviewed by our networks

    …od banks by Teesside University. The University of Hertfordshire have been running law clinics for tenants, and UWE, Bristol have been running virtual activities and services to combat loneliness and isolation. The work of Alliance universities in their communities will be increasingly important as we look to rebuild from this crisis, as highlighted by the policy team at Coventry University “The sector should keep highlighting the role they can pl…

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