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  1. Climate Action in Energy

    …iance, together we’re working with industry, businesses, charities and our communities to take practical action to tackle the causes and effects of climate change, and develop resilient individuals, industries and communities able to adapt to its impacts. One of the biggest global climate challenges, is finding clean, sustainable sources of energy. Alliance members are creating innovative research that generates low-cost, locally applicable soluti…

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  2. UA comment on OFS funding reforms

    …n provision being heavily concentrated in London and in the Southeast, and at institutions which typically attract students from more advantaged socio-economic backgrounds. This will make studying creative arts the preserve of a small group of elite students who can study away from home, and is completely contrary to the Government’s levelling up agenda. We strongly urge the reconsideration of these cuts, and the protection of creative education p…

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  3. Creating learning materials to help SMEs develop remanufacturing competencies and business models.

    competencies in remanufacturing. Built on the results of a previous Horizon 2020 research project, the European Remanufacturing Network. The learning materials were designed and tested through a series of workshops run by the partner organisations. These workshops also involved case study presentations, with businesses already engaged in remanufacturing telling their story of remanufacturing and the pitfalls and successes they had encountered. Qua…

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  4. Media training sessions for UA academics

    …endees will receive notes and a checklist of what to consider and prepare before a media interview. Information for UA press offices The session will stress the importance of academics working with their university press office to ensure comms teams are made aware of interview opportunities and can offer support. Please get in touch if you require more information, or would like to arrange one to one practice interviews for academics who would ben…

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  5. Research and Innovation impact at Alliance universities

    …ribute towards the UK achieving the 2.4% share of GDP on R&D expenditure by 2027. Central to this mission is a commitment to expand the diversity of R&D talent pipelines and addressing barriers faced by students and staff. By bringing together case studies from across our 12 member universities, we demonstrate the local and global impact of research and innovation undertaken at Alliance universities; how this impact is driven by their partnerships…

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  6. Coventry: Andrew’s Story

    …ng full time work with study.” How do you think your apprenticeship has benefitted your employer? Throughout the process my knowledge and understanding of the wider business has grown significantly, enabling me to add more value to my current role. More specifically during my final business project, and studies into customer quality, I led the creation and distribution of a customer satisfaction survey. This new tool has captured tangible feedback…

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  7. Anglia Ruskin: Nee’s Story

    …a career as an analyst, but needed a structured learning environment to become a data scientist which I saw as the natural progression. An apprenticeship opportunity with Cambridge Assessment seemed the perfect solution to advance my career ambitions. The apprenticeship was an opportunity to learn from experts with experience I could tap into and make my knowledge and skills more holistic while being able to immediately apply what I learn to real…

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  8. Laura Foster-Devaney

    …ber 2020 as the Communications and Press Officer. She graduated from University College London with a BA in English in 2018. Since then, Laura has been working in PR teams across the digital health sector, aiding in upscaling the communications and marketing capabilities of small technology businesses, before joining us this year. During university, Laura also wrote and interned at several magazines, and volunteered as assistant editor for an educ…

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  9. University Alliance comments on the government’s guidance for January.

    …t up and deliver asymptomatic testing for students, and these facilities will continue to be in place and ready to support the safe return of students in January; with the right support from the government. “We also welcome the financial commitment by the government to help universities support their most disadvantaged and vulnerable students, many of whom have faced greatly exacerbated challenges as a result of the pandemic.”…

    Read more of: University Alliance comments on the government’s guidance for January.
    Vanessa Wilson CEO