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  1. University Alliance responds to the Hewitt Review

    In response to the Hewitt Review, our Head of Policy Susanna Kalitowski said: “We welcome Patricia Hewitt’s review of integrated care systems. In response, the government should produce a strategy for the social care workforce, complementary to the NHS workforce plan, as soon as possible. The review emphasises the value of collaboration in planning the future healthcare workforce. University Alliance has called for universities and colleges to be…

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    Nursing simulation at the University of Derby
  2. University Alliance responds to HE-BCI consultation on ‘in-kind’ contributions

    …higher education institutions, the time and cost burden of setting-up and running a process to fully capture in-kind contributions will continue to outweigh the benefits unless there are clearer incentives or requirements. We are also concerned that taking a piecemeal approach to the HE-BCI review could end up creating additional burden for some institutions, particularly if further changes are needed as a result of the ongoing review of knowledg…

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  3. University Alliance responds to the DfE’s publication of the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) consultation response

    Responding to the Department for Education’s publication of the Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) consultation response Vanessa Wilson, CEO at University Alliance said: “Alliance universities are already ahead of the curve in developing and delivering innovative training and education solutions that enable people to upskill and reskill throughout their lifetime. The introduction of a Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) will open more opportunities up t…

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  4. Over 300 businesses sign University Alliance letter calling on Chancellor to protect “essential” regional innovation programmes

    …e private sector. This could result in a loss of assets, expertise, infrastructure or complete closure for said programmes, which will disadvantage regional economies and innovation ecosystems throughout the UK. It will also directly hinder the levelling up agenda. University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “This is a funding cliff-edge that – if not addressed now – could turn into a valley of death for local innovation in the coming years. In j…

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  5. University Alliance announce support for rejection of Springer Nature proposals

    In response to the HE sector’s recent rejection of the proposals presented by Springer Nature, on open access to research, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “Our university members are fully behind the recent decision by the sector, and the negotiating team, to reject the latest offer from Springer Nature. We recognise and welcome the improvements that Springer Nature has made to its offer throughout the negotiations. However, the late…

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  6. University Alliance responds to the latest UCAS application figures

    …UK, the challenge in training enough nursing staff does not just lie in recruitment. Last year only 52% of people who applied to study nursing across the UK were accepted onto courses. There is a lack of capacity to train nurses in the UK that is a more long-term issue than year-on-year fluctuations in demand from students. “The challenge in training nurses is driven by a lack of placement capacity within the NHS itself, as well as a lack of long-…

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  7. University Alliance responds to the NMC’s announcement on simulated learning in nursing training

    Responding to the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s announcement to permanently allow up to 600 hours of clinical placements to take place in simulated settings during nursing training, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “This announcement by the Nursing and Midwifery Council is both timely and welcome. It recognises how universities are innovating by using simulated facilities and techniques to deliver high-quality nursing training. Thro…

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    Using Virtual Reality headsets at Middlesex University
  8. HE mission groups call for inquiry into the Office for Students

    …mission groups within higher education, including University Alliance, the Russell Group has sent a letter to the Chair of the Education Committee Robin Walker MP, to call for a review of the Office for Students. On the fifth year since its establishment, the mission groups strongly recommend an investigation into the OfS, to ensure that it is fulfilling its role and responsibilities within the sector as a fully independent regulatory body. Univer…

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  9. University Alliance’s 2022 in review

    In the year of five Education Secretaries, it’s fair to say it’s been an eventful year within the Higher Education Sector! It’s certainly been an eventful year for UA and for our members. We are proud of all our community has achieved this year – whether that’s winning prestigious awards, opening state-of-the-art new facilities, widening participation or acting as engines for economic growth. Meanwhile, with their focus on industry and on post-gr…

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    Season's Greeting from everyone at University Alliance