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  1. University Alliance comments on new international student migration data and announcement of official review

    …he evidence base on international student migration. The reports published today clearly show that both universities and international students are highly compliant with relevant visa regulations. These students put their trust in the high quality of UK higher education, and can be trusted in return not to overstay. “We also welcome the announcement that the Migration Advisory Committee will assess the overall impact of international students in t…

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  2. University Alliance support announcement on international student migration

    …ernational students separately within net migration figures In response to today’s announcement from David Willetts that the Government intend to publish international student numbers separately within net migration figures, Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance said: “We strongly support this announcement as an important step towards recognising that international student migration is distinct from permanent migration. “The higher…

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  3. Harnessing the power of university-sponsored Multi Academy Trust partnerships

    …rsity; and Uly Lyons, Chief Executive of the Better Futures Multi Academy Trust. This article first appeared in HEPI. In a speech to the school sector in April 2021, Gavin Williamson, the Secretary of State for Education, communicated his vision for every state funded primary and secondary school to be part of a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT). Typically comprising of multiple schools working in partnership with each other across a locality, some MATs c…

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  4. Learning and Simulation Centre at the University of Greenwich

    …e been generic in appearance, and therefore not representing the full spectrum of individuality in our society. Even today it is difficult to find realistic BAME manikins in simulation facilities. We have therefore worked with industry partners to develop a range of BAME and culturally inclusive simulation manikins. In addition, we draw on the sim-versity toolkit to develop and assess our approach throughout the spectrum of our activities. Student…

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  5. Helping disadvantaged students: Support for refugees and asylum seekers to benefit from higher education

    …initiative at the university, which includes other programmes such as Ten Words to engage University staff in learning about new languages and cultures through informal language sessions to learn ten words and phrases, and support for community events such as the popular Taste of Africa. A pilot ‘guests at lectures’ project has also enabled some refugees and asylum seekers to attend lectures in their own professional fields, while a group of refu…

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  6. University Alliance Open Day at Clifford Chance

    …uced a series of Open Days that candidates can apply for by submitting 250 words and their CV. We are hoping that the six open days where 50 candidates are invited to our office (with all travel expenses covered), will generate more diverse training contract applicants. These days give students the chance to interact fully with Clifford Chance, through practice area-led case studies, Graduate Recruitment sessions, personal impact coaching and a lu…

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  7. Christmas Card Competition 2012

    …the 2012 competition is ‘Futures’. Participants will need to provide a 50 word summary of how their design fits this theme. Schedule: The competition will open on Monday 5th November 2012 and close at midday on Friday 23rd November 2012. Submission: Send image to with the subject line ‘Christmas Card Competition’. Please include name, course/occupation and name of university. Competition rules: 1. This contest is open t…

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  8. University Alliance Christmas card competition

    …r the 2011 competition is ‘Growth’. Participants will need to provide a 50 word summary of how the front cover fits this theme. Schedule: The competition will open on Monday 7th November 2011 and close at midday on Friday 18th November 2011. Submission: Send image to with the subject line ‘Christmas Card Competition’. Please include name, course/occupation and name of university. Competition rules: 1. This contest is ope…

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  9. University Alliance comments on new Universities & Science Minister’s appointment

    …about the Galileo project. The fact remains, however, that behind the warm words, this wider international agenda has drifted for months, even years. The government needs to set aside internal party issues aside to equip universities to better sell the UK, their regions and industry. “We must see real energy from ministers so the UK can compete aggressively for international students and to export higher education overseas; attract skilled academi…

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