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  1. Holly clearing a path to stellar law career

    …I finally found out that my first choice had rejected me, which was obviously really disappointing but also left me in a difficult spot so late in the day. “It was a bit of a rush at that point to look at clearing options. I chose Hallam partly because of its location. I liked the idea of a city university, it was northern and Sheffield has a great reputation with students. But there were also practical experiences available on the law degree whic…

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  2. A socially mobile society is essential for a dynamic UK

    …eans. For one thing most people, when talking about social mobility, actually only mean UPWARD mobility but of course if groups and individuals are mobile they could move DOWNWARDS in the social structure as well and no one wants that. So ‘social mobility’ is about groups and individuals moving within the social structures that exist. In the UK, and indeed in most of the western world, significantly more space has been created in the middle classe…

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  3. Lifelong Loan Entitlement: opportunities for learners, choices for universities?

    …in HE, the information we will need for informed decision-making will likely come a bit too late. If we don’t act, we could be forced into an ungainly sprint to the finish line, limiting the potential for a positive impact on participation in HE – so it’s better to grapple with the set of constrained choices we have available now. To figure out how to best engage with modular funding, I would propose: Working with employers locally and regionally

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  4. Improving the accuracy of pre-natal screening

    …for in hibin B, made in men, is in use as a marker of sperm count. Both of these tests are used in fertility studies and diagnosis of inter sex disorders. This research later led to the current clinical tests for another reproductive hormone known as AMH (anti-mullerian hormone). This is widely used in IVF clinics to measure how many eggs women have remaining, thus allowing clinicians to identify which women would most benefit from IVF treatments…

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  5. The DTA is Intersectoral- Part 3

    …ability to detect and prevent disease. Her project is focused on replacing antibodies, currently used to identify the presence of diseases, with synthetic polymers. These would be cheaper and more stable than antibodies, making the detection of Alzheimer’s or Cancer more efficient and less costly. In the long term, there is also the possibility that these polymers could be used in vaccinations, helping to prevent disease from occurring at all. Thi…

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  6. #PressforProgress on periods in Nepal

    …eusable pads are less expensive in the long-term and are more environmentally-friendly than disposable pads. These are aptly named dignity kits, freedom kits or menstrual management packs – rather than using terms such as ‘sanitary’ or ‘hygiene’ – to break the link with periods being seen as impure and dirty. As part of our research, we surveyed 286 girls and women using the pads. They told us that they were comfortable, didn’t leak, and, when com…

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  7. Spaces that inspire

    …pants to do great things and it is fitting that when the building was finally demolished in 1998 and replaced by the Frank Gehry-designed Stata Center, a key requirement of the brief was to replicate the magic of Building 20. It remains to be seen if the Stata Center inspires more than Building 20. Footnotes 8 Brighton Waste House 9 The Centre for Excellence in Creativity This essay has been extracted from our publication, Technical and Profession…

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  8. Gaining fresh energy for PhD studies

    …s a challenge in a multi-disciplinary environment to cater for all interests. However, whilst our specific research varies, the challenging doctoral journey was the common denominator. We felt like a group of kindred spirits in a safe house, and a firm bond ensued. From the outset, it was anticipated that the Summer School would be productive and effective in my research career development, however, it proved to be substantial and invaluable: offe…

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  9. Top tips for pitching your business idea

    …sometimes be more difficult than delivering the pitch itself. It is extremely important to anticipate the questions investors might ask and prepare answers that will prove your expertise in the field and your capabilities. Make sure you know the ins and outs of your financial model, everything about your competitors, and demonstrate that you have thought about all the potential problems that might arise and how you can overcome them. However, don’…

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    Lavinia Alexoiu – Winner of the Building Bright Ideas competition 2016
  10. Tough times call for joined-up thinking

    …ent of all jobs in the EU will require high-level qualification by 2020, only 26 per cent of the workforce currently has a higher education qualification.” “We cannot afford to lose a generation of young people not being either employed, studying or in training. Europe needs young brains. This is why we have set an ambitious but realistic target on educational attainment in the Europe 2020 strategy.”   Beyond drop in applications Of course we are…

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