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  1. Teesside University

    …erience underpinned by research, enterprise and the professions. Staff are internationally diverse, representing almost 40 different nationalities. Innovation, authenticity and enterprise are embedded within course content and our students and graduates benefit from placements, projects and internships to develop workplace skills. The University is highly regarded for its specialist courses in areas such as digital media, animation and computer ga…

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  2. University of South Wales

    …yers, to provide a skilled and relevant workforce for local, national, and international industries. The University is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can flourish. They are a University of Sanctuary, recognising their commitment to creating a welcoming culture for people seeking sanctuary within, and beyond, their campuses. USW has three main campuses in Cardiff, Newport, and Pontypridd. The University w…

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  3. University Alliance responds to Lord Browne’s review

    …the central role that universities play in the UK’s economic recovery and international competitiveness. “Higher education is an investment in the engine of an innovation-driven economy; it provides good value to the taxpayer and will help deliver the economic growth the UK needs. “It is therefore absolutely critical, that a new system for graduate contributions is not seen as a total substitute for public investment in universities. There is an…

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  4. Briefing on University Alliance Response to Browne Review

    …the central role that universities play in the UK’s economic recovery and international competitiveness. Higher education is an investment in the engine of an innovation-driven economy and is a central component of any strategy to reduce the deficit whilst increasing growth. Browne’s proposals for a graduate contribution scheme are an opportunity to introduce a fair and progressive system for students, graduates, universities and government alike…

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  5. University Alliance response to Postgraduate Review

    …2007/08 HESA data) – as well as considerable trans-national provision with international partners around the world. “We support the recommendation that PhD funding should be based on the quality of the research environment and supervision, not the institution. In 2007–08 Alliance universities awarded nearly 1,200 PhDs – with many delivered on a more flexible basis and in areas that are critical to the UK economy. “In terms of efficiency, on averag…

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  6. THE: ‘Breadth of quality gives UK edge, says University Alliance’

    …esearch-intensive universities, is what has given the UK research base its international edge. This is the message from the University Alliance, the mission group representing 22 “research-engaged” institutions, presenting a new analysis that examines the relationship between quality and quantity in research excellence. Drawing on previous research and reviews, the analysis, Concentration and Diversity: Understanding the Relationship between Excel…

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  7. Concentration and diversity: understanding the relationship between excellence, concentration and critical mass in UK research

    …ble ‘threshold’ or ‘critical mass’volume is ‘evidently not the only factor’ (HEFCE Fundamental Review) the increasing capacity for both interdisciplinary and international collaboration can redefine what counts as critical mass. [Download Report]  …

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  8. University Alliance well placed to deliver Government’s priorities in Framework

    …t we share the challenge of sustaining our position in light of increasing international competition. In a difficult fiscal environment it is essential that we continue to invest in our universities which are both wealth-creators and drivers of economic recovery and growth. “The Alliance shares the Government’s priority to ensure the health of the UK research base and deliver research with impact. In order to do so, we must maintain the policy of…

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  9. New Chair for University Alliance

    …ree year term as chair. Professor Janet Beer said: “I am honoured to be entrusted by my colleagues with this significant position. Professor Craven’s leadership over the last three years has been instrumental in establishing the University Alliance as an effective new national voice for a group of important institutions. Our members are incredibly grateful to him for his leadership. “In the current economic environment, countries with highly skill…

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  10. The Guardian: Anxious Wait – Rules for Allocating Research Funding

    …judge the quality of British research revealed a much wider spread of top researchers than before. With over half the research (54%) submitted in 2008 deemed to be either world-leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*) – and found in 150 of 159 universities – the funding that follows will inevitably be more thinly spread. Read the full article.  …

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