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  1. Wonkhe: Helping everyone get the most out of degree apprenticeships

    …in technical and professional education are extremely well-placed to deliver degree apprenticeships and – indeed – these universities are embracing the programme. Read the full article here. Today, Robert Halfon MP, chair of the Education Committee, gave a speech at our panel discussion on degree apprenticeships. You can read the full speech here….

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  2. UA responds to government’s review of post-18 education

    …review into post-18 education announced by the Prime Minister Theresa May today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “The first thing the review needs to recognise is that modern universities already provide high quality technical and professional education at all levels, meeting the needs of industry and public services. These courses are central to the vision the Prime Minister has set out and they have to be properly fu…

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  3. Wonkhe: More than a vote of confidence – making the industrial strategy work

    …nificant announcements was that the Office for Students will have an important new strategic function to “address employer and student needs and expectations in the short, medium and long term – considering the skills gaps that exist today, and anticipating the demands of the future economy”. This is a welcome development which may even fill the hole left by the closure of the UK Commission for Employment and Skills earlier in the year. Read the f…

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  4. UA comments on UCAS End of Cycle 2016 provider-level equality data

    …quality data, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Today’s institution-level statistics provide a useful evidence base, increasing transparency and highlighting where, alongside the great strides higher education has made in widening participation, there is still more work to be done. “While getting into university matters a great deal, getting on – in terms of retention and student success – is important too. We’ve identif…

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  5. UA responds to HESA’s statistical first release on student enrolments and qualifications

    …atistical first release on student enrolments and qualifications published today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Whilst it is positive to see a rise in student numbers, the fall in the number of part-time students continues to be a concern. Making it easier for people to keep learning and gain new skills throughout life is essential if the government is serious about creating a society and economy where no one is left…

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  6. Government must back lifelong learning

    …d by lifelong learning. The report slams what it describes as the ‘Sutton Trust’ approach to widening access to university: focused on getting a very small number of high performing students into the most high-tariff universities and a reluctance to accept the familial, cultural or other reasons why some students would welcome a more flexible approach or being able to study at home. Commenting, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell…

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  7. University Alliance responds to UCAS CEO standing down

    Following the announcement today that Mary Curnock Cook is to stand down as Chief Executive of UCAS at the end of April 2017, Professor John Latham, Chair of University Alliance and Vice-Chancellor of Coventry University, said: “Mary Curnock Cook has led UCAS with distinction through an increasingly complex landscape for universities. It’s no small matter to ensure hundreds of thousands of students go through the admissions system successfully ev…

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  8. UA responds to the PM’s new education reform proposals

    Commenting on the package of education reforms announced today by the Prime Minister Theresa May, including a requirement for universities who want to charge higher fees to establish a new school or sponsor an existing underperforming school, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “There is a broad consensus that the most significant barrier to progress in widening access is differential attainment rates at ages 16 and 18; un…

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  9. Telegraph article – Professor Edward Peck

    …University Alliance Treasurer and Vice Chancellor of Nottingham Trent University Professor Edward Peck has written an article for the Telegraph following the publication of UCAS’ equality data today, making the case for further action on student access, retention and attainment to ensure that all students can succeed, regardless of background. Read Edward’s piece in full on the Telegraph website….

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