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  1. Alliance universities are taking practical action to tackle the causes and effects of climate change

    …ke theirs and the research they produce to be utilised and funded as a key component of the UK’s climate change response, as will be laid out at COP26 next week. They have developed a number of high-level policy asks to government which, if actioned, will enable their contribution to national efforts to reach a net zero future. University of Greenwich Vice-Chancellor and spokesperson for the campaign, Professor Jane Harrington, said: “Alliance uni…

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  2. Investigating wildfires in the UK

    …ty of dry environments to wildfires, a source of ignition is still required. In the UK, it can be natural (such as bolts of lightning) or caused by man either deliberately or accidentally. Various studies have shown that the number of recreational visits to “risky” sites, such as the English Peak District, increase the occurrence of wildfire. Human activities have shaped heathlands and moorlands in the UK over the centuries, keeping them open and…

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  3. Smart sensors to detect water pipe leaks

    …ademics from Birmingham City University are working with United Utility, a UK-based water company, and Greek technology firm, Singular Logic, to develop a solution. The IoT4Win project utilises smart sensors, Internet of Things, big data and AI technologies to solve several water use challenges, including providing real-time updates on the quality, quantity and demand for water in urban areas. Research aims Using array of smart technology sensors…

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  4. Creating a low carbon building economy at Birmingham City University

    …mes within three years, and a sales ban on petrol and diesel cars from 2030. Combining building simulation software, Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, a database of product and building specifications and a web portal, the iRet tool produced by the EcRoFit team will enable businesses to identify the most effective renewable energy solutions, retrofit solutions, balancing requirements for low carbon emissions, cost and occupant comfort. Local su…

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  5. Carbon8: made at the University of Greenwich

    …o 12,000 tonnes of cement bypass dust into valuable construction aggregates. Vicat can commercially repurpose the aggregates in various applications, for instance in lightweight concrete blocks. Discussions are now under way to deploy the mobile plant technology in the UK, elsewhere in Europe and in North America. Professor Hills was immensely proud of the technology that the University had developed and said: ‘This first deployment shows that the…

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  6. University of Brighton study points way for new greener biomethane-fuelled transport

    ….” Decarbonising heavy-duty trucks has previously been challenging due to high journey power and energy requirements. Upcycled biomethane, however, can provide major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from the UK’s commercial haulage fleet. Furthermore, the novel upcycling solutions presented in the new research offer a lower cost route to GHG reduction compared to a mass programme of vehicle electrification….

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  7. Reducing the impact of flooding on residential properties

    …the team have had a significant impact on the response to flooding in the UK. For example, following the 2015/16 exceptional flooding, 11,000 out of 17,000 flooded properties were installed with property flood resilience measures, making these properties less vulnerable to future flood damage. The Defra project helped to increase awareness of flood resilient interventions within the insurance industry, leading to the development of new policy for…

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  8. Future of the visual arts transformed in the West of England

    …Bristol, said: “This is a really exciting development for the visual arts community in the region. Working with Spike Island and partners in the West, we will be able to create hundreds of opportunities for artists taking their first steps into creative careers and build a much-needed network of support.” Over the next three years, the West of England Visual Arts Alliance programme aims to transform Bristol and the West of England into a place wh…

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  9. Addressing a lost opportunity in the NHS workforce crisis: higher education’s future role in clinical placement management

    …rucial gaps and it will need to continue to do so to meet the 50,000 target. This is a lost opportunity. The Government and Health Education England, the body responsible for healthcare education and training, have recognised the problem and invested millions of pounds to increase placement capacity. In addition, the Nursing and Midwifery Council has helpfully relaxed some of its requirements during COVID and is undertaking a much-needed review of…

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  10. How missing out on nursery due to COVID has affected children’s development – new research by Oxford Brookes University

    …tment is therefore a powerful way of alleviating socioeconomic inequalities. Lower-income families, who have been disproportionately affected by infections, unemployment, mental ill-health and deaths during the pandemic – all stressors which are likely to affect home interactions with children. Our findings provide evidence that access to early childhood education and care is important for all children, and is an effective way of tackling inequali…

    Read more of: How missing out on nursery due to COVID has affected children’s development – new research by Oxford Brookes University