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Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. Realising the benefits of the KEF through collaboration

    …munity engagement, short courses and apprenticeships right through to start-up incubator spaces and spin-out businesses. However, for universities, resource limitations mean it often isn’t possible to deliver the full range of potential KE activities, and they must prioritise which aspects they take forward. This differential approach means it can be difficult to both concretely define “Knowledge Exchange” and also to accurately capture the true v…

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  2. Stronger Together: Building A University Alliance For The Future

    …icy and public environment for decades. We’ve got Brexit with all its short-, medium- and long-term ramifications, whilst there is no consensus on our future economic or trade relations with the rest of the world. We still have an unbalanced economy weighted towards London and the City. We have a tight public investment environment, despite the rhetoric on ending austerity, with a very uncertain spending review ahead of us. All this presents chall…

    Read more of: Stronger Together: Building A University Alliance For The Future
    Woman lifting weights
  3. Peer Review College

    …arning approaches, best practice, and evaluation; Access to a national peer-to-peer network and a space to share ideas for measuring and evidencing student learning gain, engagement and feedback; National opportunities to present, facilitate and support teaching and learning enhancement; for example we may be able to offer leadership roles for staff seeking to move into more senior leadership positions. Opportunities to generate academic outputs o…

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  4. Unpacking the TEF narratives: what does teaching excellence at an Alliance university look like?

    …nd career progression of our staff to ensure our students benefit from well-qualified teachers and up to date teaching methods”. While those were the unanimously made points, many UA members also referred to pedagogic research, most highlighted the role of personal tutors in providing academic support, and most described investment in physical and digital resources. I’m sure that only word count limitations prevented these points being covered in…

    Read more of: Unpacking the TEF narratives: what does teaching excellence at an Alliance university look like?
  5. Lifelong Loan Entitlement: opportunities for learners, choices for universities?

    …r periodic routes, there is the potential for this new framework to be life-changing. Access to modular funding could reinvigorate part-time provision, drawing underrepresented groups more easily into affordable tertiary study. As a group of universities with expertise in skills-based education, it should represent an opportunity for Alliance institutions to build on our reputation for supporting a diverse student body, and meeting employers’ need…

    Read more of: Lifelong Loan Entitlement: opportunities for learners, choices for universities?
  6. British Academy join our call to look beyond salary-led definitions of value

    …es should be earning. Nevertheless, when the findings of the Independent Panel chaired by Sir Philip Augar were published in May, the then Education Secretary Damian Hinds did seem to interpret ‘low value’ degrees as those where graduates were not earning £25,000 after five years, meaning they had not started to repay their student loans. This is problematic from a purely statistical point of view. As we know well, we cannot all be ‘above average’…

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  7. Our welcome note to the new Prime Minister

    …For this, we encourage you to make good on your commitment to improve post-study work visas. Our university system is world-class and the envy of the world. It educates and has educated the world’s greatest leaders including of course you and almost every politician, across every party. It has enabled some of the world’s greatest brains and creative talents to thrive and inspire the world over. But it’s important to remember that this talent come…

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    Boris Johnson
  8. AUGAR: Our CEO Vanessa Wilson Sets Out Her Initial Thoughts

    …laims of NHS, local authorities, schools, prisons, police and welfare. It puts the onus on us to show we get full value for money out of every penny of taxpayers’ money and can be trusted to invest wisely. And it means, hand-in-hand with colleges, we make a stronger case on national priorities: widening access; protecting standards; expanding skills and tech-ed; and investing in nurse and teacher training. There is much work ahead for us all….

    Read more of: AUGAR: Our CEO Vanessa Wilson Sets Out Her Initial Thoughts
    Augar review
  9. In conversation with business leaders: here’s what SMEs like mine need from the Chancellor

    …Business Review last year cited Crunchbase research that only 2.3% of women-led start-ups received venture capital funding in 2020. It’s a similar story in the UK. You just have to be pragmatic. I launched Chater Smart expecting to grow the firm organically rather than looking for outside investment. Growth may happen more slowly, but we can still innovate! How important are SMEs/early-stage businesses to regional economic growth? Incredibly impor…

    Read more of: In conversation with business leaders: here’s what SMEs like mine need from the Chancellor
  10. #WeAreInternational blog: Heraldas Gaspariunas

    …haping my life aspirations”. Heraldas is now co-founder and CEO of an early-stage biotech start-up, ACellZ. His company is based on research developed by University of Hertfordshire PhD students and is focused on chemical safety in the eye. Heraldas has been very successful in securing large grants to grow his business, including £50k from Innovation to Commercialisation of University Research (ICURe), and £300k from Innovate UK. He has also conti…

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