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  1. Closing speech UA Summit 2016: Leading the way in our cities and regions

    …d shortages and persistent low productivity as a country. According to the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, by 2024 almost half of all UK employment will be in highly-skilled occupations. It has become a truism that many of today’s graduates will work in – or even invent – new industries which don’t yet exist. Already, we see how the pace of technological change and automation is disrupting industries left, right and centre. Old notions of…

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  2. Interview: University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson

    …e nation is basking in the glory of what was – surely? – just a fabulous fluke. Suddenly, UK Sport makes a public announcement: they’re going to go one better in Rio 2016. The nation furrows its brow. Who would dare set such a crazy goal? Vanessa Wilson, that’s who. Before she took up her current role as CEO of University Alliance (UA), you see, Vanessa was communications lead for UK Sport. When David Cameron and George Osborne agreed to a massive…

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  3. Christmas Card Competition 2013

    …21st November 2013. Submission: Send your image to with the subject line ‘Christmas Card Competition’. Please include your name, course/occupation and the name of the university you attend. Competition rules: This contest is open to students and staff at University Alliance institutions. A maximum of two front covers will be accepted per entrant. The University Alliance logo should be included somewhere on the front cov…

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  4. We need more than workshops to support the wellbeing of PhD researchers

    …abtree, who supports the delivery of their Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA). Ellie completed a PhD in Italian Studies at the University of St Andrews at the start of 2020. You can find her on Twitter @evcrabtree.   This time last year I was in the thick of my pre-thesis submission. Eating and exercising healthily, seeing daylight hours and taking weekends and evenings off seemed like luxuries, dwarfed by the ultimate goal of submitting as soon as…

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  5. Student stories

    …itecture postgraduate student Oxford Brookes University Architecture BA students Kingston University Health and social care Patrick, Mental Health Nursing University of South Wales Louisa, Sociology Kingston University–h8vO2GfQ Operating Department Practise students University of South Wales Law https://www.yo…

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  6. New report finds collaboration and connectivity key to securing the future of UK research and innovation

    …sity Alliance will also launch a new website resource at of more than 60 impact case studies submitted by our universities to the REF 2014 exercise. They showcase the excellent research happening in Alliance universities and our impact both on here in the UK and around the world. These case studies show how we are finding new ways to overcome socio-economic challenges: growing industries, improving healthcare, buildi…

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  7. Solid blocks versus blurred lines

    …ings in order. From an early age we are taught that all things have a place. When we are faced with complex problems, we seek to create schemas and organise findings in a way that will aid our understanding. This is all well and good except that sometimes this approach is in danger of missing the point. In the case of universities, this can be a particular problem due to the broad spectrum they cover, both in terms of societal impact and in terms…

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  8. The research funding debate: why size doesn’t matter

    …reating ‘critical mass’ in order to drive excellence. The government is right to encourage collaboration and pooling of resources but this must not preclude the existence of smaller research units where they can demonstrate excellence with impact. We must not stifle UK research by seeking only to reward the biggest. They are by no means always the best. To improve the international standing of UK research we must continue to run an open and compet…

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  9. Guardian – The research funding debate: why size doesn't matter

    …reating ‘critical mass’ in order to drive excellence. The government is right to encourage collaboration and pooling of resources but this must not preclude the existence of smaller research units where they can demonstrate excellence with impact. We must not stifle UK research by seeking only to reward the biggest. They are by no means always the best. To improve the international standing of UK research we must continue to run an open and compet…

    Read more of: Guardian – The research funding debate: why size doesn't matter
  10. Powering Action on Climate Change   Climate change, environmental sustainability and the impact on communities around the world are some of the biggest challenges facing us globally. This crisis requires urgent solutions. Now, more than ever, we need urgent, practical research on climate change that makes a difference to our everyday lives. That’s why at University Alliance, we…

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