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  1. University remains a smart choice for individuals

    …ing 129% higher than those with below upper secondary education. “The good news is that this positive message is getting through to students with demand for university places remaining high. However, it is important that universities do not become complacent. We need to continue to make every effort, in partnership with business and the professions, to secure employment for recent graduates. “Investing in higher education pays off in the long run,…

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  2. Continued decline in languages threatens our economic competitiveness

    …could have had serious implications for the UK. However, this very welcome news contrasts with a disheartening drop, up to 6.7%, in applications to study modern language courses, continuing a long-term decline in language study in the UK, and its growing concentration among higher socio-economic groups. This decline is taking place despite widespread acknowledgement by key stakeholders, such as the CBI and the British Chambers of Commerce, and a h…

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  3. Keeping it local in Blaenau Gwent

    …ersity’s strength in Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, it also runs a series of services and projects in the communities of the Heads of the Valleys region. One of these, launched in January is Three Valleys Television, or 3VTV, a Hyper-local Internet based TV Channel for the people of the County Borough of Blaenau Gwent. With financial support from the Welsh Government, 3VTV is designed to extract the economic and social potential of…

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  4. Wilson Review – our response

    …energy facilities. The university, in partnership with the Western Morning News, secured the only university-led round one Regional Growth Fund bid, providing grants to SMEs to stimulate business expansion and create new jobs. Plymouth’s Growth Acceleration and Investment Network (GAIN) facilitates access to university assets, including a regional network of innovation and business incubation centres:a business ecosystem connecting people, ideas a…

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  5. University Alliance at Party Conferences

    …rences attended by Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), in Birmingham, David Willetts, Minister of State for Universities and Skills, in Manchester and John Denham, previously Shadow Secretary of State for BIS, in Liverpool. Party conferences are just one forum in which University Alliance are working with decision makers from all political parties. We will be continuing to have a healthy dialogue with politic…

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  6. More than just a degree: stories of empowered students

    We have news for you: universities have changed and so have the students who study there – and not in the way you might think. We refute notions of lazy students, unresponsive universities and unsatisfied employers and we have the stories to prove it. They are stories of universities without borders – providing a multi-dimensional, incredibly broad environment. And of empowered students – dynamic, entrepreneurial, focussed – making the most of th…

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    sophie cousens
  7. The Independent: ‘Universities in the ambitious pursuit of excellence’

    …As universities assess the impact of the Government’s funding cuts, there is better news from at least one part of the sector which is involved in a campaign to increase the size and quality of its research. The last thing education needs is a new acronym, but welcome to NTEU. It stands for New Type of Excellent University, a phrase coined by Andrew Wathey, the vice-chancellor of Northumbria University. Read the full article.  …

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  8. The University of Hertfordshire’s holistic approach to research-led innovation and entrepreneurship

    …n partnership with IP Group, developed a novel, controlled-release liquid drug formulation transforming drug intake methods for elderly and dysphagia patients that, following extensive research and funding, is now being developed on an industrial scale. ImmuOne is another Herts success story, set to expand internationally soon after having secured several rounds of significant investment for their in vitro, ‘3D human lung’. Our role as a catalyst…

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  9. Studying at a professional and technical university: FAQs

    …ccept a range of prior qualifications including A levels, T levels, BTECS, International Baccalaureate and more. If you would like to check if our members accept a specific qualification that isn’t listed, please email How can students apply for a professional and technical university? Undergraduate degree applications can be made through UCAS. Most courses will use the January equal consideration deadline, and can also be…

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  10. 2023 in review

    …ion funding as it stands. We now look forward to working with the OfS constructively as they address the committee’s concerns in 2024. 2. #InnovateForGrowth and regional innovation funding Ahead of the Spring Statement, we collaborated with our knowledge exchange and enterprise network to write a letter to the Chancellor, urging him to address the withdrawal of European Regional Development Funding. Over 300 SMEs (who had been supported by UA memb…

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