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  1. University Alliance responds to the latest UCAS application data

    …e, has commented in response to the latest UCAS application data, released today (15 January): On the decline of applications for public sector workforce courses, Vanessa Wilson, CEO of University Alliance, said: “The continued decline in applications for subjects like teaching, nursing and midwifery spell trouble for the future of our public sector. A concerted effort to reverse these trends will be required from government, the NHS and universit…

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  2. University Alliance responds to UCAS end-of-cycle data release

    …erted and joined up effort across the NHS and government departments to recruit more nursing students and to ensure NHS trusts and universities have the capacity to train them. The need for a cross-government health education task force which brings together education and healthcare sector experts to address the issues in expanding nursing training is now urgent.” On the North/South divide in entries: “The 20% gap between entry rates for students…

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    Vanessa Wilson
  3. University Alliance welcomes House of Lords report on inquiry into the Office for Students

    The House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee has today released a report on their inquiry into the Higher Education regulator the Office for Students (OfS). The inquiry followed calls for a review into the Office for Students earlier this year by a coalition of university mission groups, including University Alliance. The report, entitled “Must do better: the Office for Students and the looming crisis facing higher education”, criticises…

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    University Alliance's logo
  4. University Alliance responds to UCAS and the Sutton Trust’s report on apprenticeships

    …sity Alliance comments in response to a new report by UCAS and the Sutton Trust called ‘Where Next? What Influences the choices of would-be apprentices?’ “We know apprenticeships are popular. They are a great option for students who want to work whilst they study and a great option for employers who want to play an active role in training future workers. The figures released today show what those of us involved in delivering apprenticeships have l…

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  5. University Alliance responds to OfS announcement on degree apprenticeships development fund

    University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson responded to today’s announcement on the guidance received by the Office for Students from Secretary of State for Education Gillian Keegan, to include a £40m degree apprenticeships development fund as part of the 2023-24 Higher Education Strategic Priorities Grant. Wilson said: “Degree apprenticeships are increasingly one of the most popular and competitive higher education options, and rightly so. They offe…

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  6. University Alliance responds to government announcements on PQA and LLE reforms

    …t-Qualification Admissions reform. Moving to this model would have been disruptive and costly, forcing students to make potentially life-changing decisions in a short space of time and with an over-emphasis on exams. Halting plans to follow through on this reform allows space to retain the advantages of the current system whilst reforming certain elements – recommendations for which were covered in our consultation response. Now would not have bee…

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  7. University Alliance responds to government announcement on post-18 education reforms

    In response to the announcement today (24/02/22) from the Department for Education on their response to the Augar review, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “If our ambition as a nation is to be a highly skilled, productive economy competing on the global stage, then we will need more people living in every part of the UK to be educated to degree level or higher. It is time for policy-makers and politicians to take a rounded view of hig…

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  8. University Alliance responds to Innovation Strategy

    University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “We welcome today’s publication of the Innovation strategy. Alliance universities are a longstanding, stable presence in their regions and are well-placed to support the strategy’s ambitions, through unleashing innovation to deliver economic opportunity and drive growth. Sitting at the nexus of higher education and industry, our members can utilise their networks of graduates in many different occupati…

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  9. University Alliance responds to the Queen’s speech

    Responding to the Queen’s speech today (11th May 2021) and the announcement of the commitment to transform post-16 education and training, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “We welcome the commitment laid out within the Queen’s Speech to transform post-16 education and training, to enable learners to truly gain skills throughout their life. Having long-called for the provision of greater financial support to drive flexible education op…

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  10. University Alliance responds to school exams grading announcement

    …ased on teacher assessments, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “Today’s announcement offers welcome clarity on the summer admissions process for universities, learners and schools. Alliance universities will continue to be flexible and responsive to support learners to progress to further study and succeed once at university. We are pleased that exam results will not be ‘decoupled’ from the usual university admissions cycle, enabling un…

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO