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  1. The impact of exiting the EU on higher education

    …impact of exiting the European Union on higher education has been published. The Committee’s inquiry was launched in September 2016 and aims to explore the implications of UK’s exit from the European Union for EU students and staff who want to come to England’s universities to study and work and will consider what protections should be given to those who are already here. Similarly, it will look at the ramifications for Britons who want to work an…

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  2. Adjusting the focus – gaining a clearer picture of university engagement with the arts and culture

    …cultural sectors there are still a number of barriers which need to be overcome. Universities are often perceived as “ivory towers” and difficult to approach. There are communication issues around the use of language. As large organisations with thousands of employees, they can also be slow moving and inflexible. But the opportunities far outweigh the difficulties. Our new publication, A clearer picture: A guide for arts and cultural organisations…

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  3. Measuring the success of the KU Big Read

    …. Inclusion of the books in programmes aimed at specific student cohorts (e.g. International students; Head-Start; Welcome Connector and Ambassador Training; Summer Schools). These groups generally provided our first student feedback, which from the outset was very positive. We started hearing the book referred to as a ‘present’ or ‘gift’; recipients told us they felt ‘welcomed’ and ‘expected’. One girl confessed she’d been feeling nervous and fou…

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  4. Summit 2016 – Leading the way in our cities and regions

    …etween sessions. The summit took place in the university’s Engineering and Computing Building. This Nao social robot is part of a project by Coventry PhD research student Ariel Ruiz-Garcia from the university’s School of Computing, Electronics and Maths.                 Panel discussion during the morning plenary Questions from delegates who were drawn from both our universities and key sector organisations             Wonkhe Director Mark Leach (…

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  5. Chief Executive UA Summit speech: Leading the way in our cities and regions

    …sense that we exist where before there was nothing. We have a proud history. Most of us come from institutions that were formed at the time of the first industrial revolution. We were created specifically to serve the needs of the new industries and the cities that grew up around them. Our creation recognised that these needs could not be met by the traditional universities alone – or by educating only the social elite. The new economy needed both…

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  6. Space: Pioneering one of the first University Enterprise Zones

    …hared start-up ‘studio’ space, communal space for networking and meeting, access to specialist equipment and technical support and business services. Construction will be completed in summer 2016 with the UEZ open for business in the autumn. The £16.5m project is supported by £4m from the government with match-funding from the Local Enterprise Partnership, business and UWE Bristol itself. The Zone is expected to generate over 500 new jobs, and gen…

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  7. Transformative knowledge: Bringing the humble emergency exit sign into the 21st century

    …series of trials, including two full-scale evacuations of a railway station. Results showed that the combination of the flashing arrow and the red cross was quickly understood by most volunteers, and led the majority to use the correct exit. As well as being spotted more easily, the new signs also also reduced ‘decision-maki ng’ time, with those who didn’t see the sign taking three times longer to make an exit route choice. The university has work…

    Read more of: Transformative knowledge: Bringing the humble emergency exit sign into the 21st century
  8. Collaborative outreach: Stripping out traditional barriers to entry and success

    …deliver higher and degree apprenticeships, enabling people of all ages to earn a wage and study for a higher level qualification at the same time. The success of Coventry University College has led to further expansion across the UK. In addition to the campus in Scarborough on the Yorkshire Coast, they hope to open another campus in the South of the UK in 2017, positioning CUC at the heart of a community which is an intrinsic element of the CUC de…

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  9. UA responds to HEPI report on educational underachievement of young men

    …es to help local people and organisations including schools, hospitals and community groups. The university’s students are among those to benefit from the partnership, including having access to some of the state-of-the-art sports, exercise and training facilities at Charlton’s training ground, which sits next to the university’s Avery Hill Campus. Responding to HEPI’s report on the educational underachievement of young men, University Alliance Ch…

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  10. University Alliance responds to the HE Green Paper

    …take in its success – if universities are truly open to all who can benefit. We welcome the Government’s commitment to support more people from disadvantaged backgrounds to access, and succeed within, higher education. But this does come at a cost. If this is not recognised in the forthcoming spending review, today’s commitment is just empty words. “As institutions that are above benchmark for both recruiting and retaining widening participation s…

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