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Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. 3 years in 3 minutes: DTA student success in the 3MT

    …an email for the 3MT competition. Although I was a bit occupied with my research, I still applied for the competition thinking that it might be my final year and I may never get to participate again in a competition that is specifically designed for research students. I was extremely happy to be shortlisted and decided to give it my best shot thinking: how hard could it really be? But before I knew it, all of my worst fears were put right in fron…

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  2. High tech facilities at Alliance universities are helping to power the NHS

    …this area; from patient simulation mannequins, Skills Simulation Centres, online Virtual Case Creators and wards, to world-class laboratories, medical equipment and, on the patient care side, pioneering technology that aids the NHS through partnership work. Find out more about Alliance universities’ world-leading high tech facilities below.…

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  3. COP26 needs to address air quality as well as climate change

    …published in Air Quality News on 29th October 2021 Dr Jo Barnes, Senior Research Fellow at UWE Bristol explains why COP26 must address air quality as well as climate change. While all eyes will be on the UK’s hosting of COP26 it is important that this vital international summit considers a dual focus on both the long-term measures to tackle climate change and the need to improve air quality. The same sources of emissions that are responsible for…

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  4. What is the Teaching Excellence Alliance?

    …To develop students equipped with the skills and aptitudes to succeed in a world shaped by next generation technology; To demonstrate that Alliance universities are world leaders in professional and technical education for sustained student success; and Ultimately, through evidencing our success and demonstrating our approach delivers better outcomes for some students, to retain a competitive edge in the sector as evidenced in increased policy inf…

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  5. DTA3 Year in Review

    …virtually. They’re encouraged to reach out to one another using digital researcher profiles which detail the research interests and contact details of their peers. We’ve also established a cross-programme, cross-institutional representation system. While supporting our ability to actively listen to our students’ voices, this empowers researchers to organise their own social and networking opportunities. In September we even squeezed in delivering…

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  6. Unpacking the TEF narratives: what does teaching excellence at an Alliance university look like?

    …uding elements such as support for technicians, investment in libraries, research influencing course content, and work to address digital poverty. Approaches to student engagement One area where the reports varied was in how student engagement was addressed. There were two approaches to this. Many members indicated how the student voice is included and influences policy and delivery within the university such as via committee or course representat…

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  7. Bringing Researchers Together: The DTA Spring School

    …orking benefits to academic supervisors as well. Invited alongside their researchers, the supervisors of our new recruits attended their own schedule of events including a session on connections and collaboration, allowing them to forge links with colleagues from across University Alliance core and programme members sparking future potential joint projects. Across the two days, the Spring School also provided our new doctoral researchers with a pr…

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    Researchers in discussion
  8. Groundhog Day: Managing Motivation when Working from Home

    …nto my dreams. Group support Following a virtual writing retreat for PhD researchers, a few of us developed a weekly online catch up. Meeting over Zoom for half an hour each week held us accountable to one another, as we shared our goals for the day. By scheduling it in at a regular time, we were consistent. It became something to look forward to, offering much needed human contact to beat the blues of social isolation. And there’s an added bonus…

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  9. For Students: What is the Teaching Excellence Alliance?

    …To develop students equipped with the skills and aptitudes to succeed in a world shaped by next generation technology by supporting staff to improve their teaching practice and develop innovative courses To demonstrate that Alliance universities are world leaders in professional and technical education for sustained student success by evidencing our success. We are looking for students to support and challenge this work in order to ensure that we…

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  10. #Weareinternational blog: Ivy Ct Yu

    …re. Unwelcoming language and policies do nothing to grow the UK economy, research impact, or our cultural diversity. These are individuals with real lives, with immeasurable talent to offer to our country – we should always welcome them with open arms. In our latest series of blogs, we are profiling the international students who enrich our Alliance Universities with their talent and generosity. #WeAreInternational — Ivy with her son Morrissey Ivy…

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