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  1. Delivering excellence across the UK

    …e uniquely able to answer. Universities work with partners from around the world on research and innovation that is making a difference today. University of Huddersfield researchers are developing a safer nuclear power which could transform the UK’s energy independence The University of the West of England, which has been a centre of excellence in biosensor research for 20 years, is using gene technology to develop a rapid predictive test to enabl…

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  2. Delivering excellence across the UK

    …e uniquely able to answer. Universities work with partners from around the world on research and innovation that is making a difference today. University of Huddersfield researchers are developing a safer nuclear power which could transform the UK’s energy independence The University of the West of England, which has been a centre of excellence in biosensor research for 20 years, is using gene technology to develop a rapid predictive test to enabl…

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  3. The DTA is Intersectoral- Part 2

    …en from over 150 PhD students and early career researchers from around the world. Participants attended from the world’s leading universities and industrial organisations including Berkley, MIT, Imperial, Rolls Royce, Mitsubishi and the International Atomic Energy Agency. The two weeks kicked off with an icebreaker challenge, to construct the tallest possible spaghetti structure, which could hold the weight of a marshmallow, which my team won. At…

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  4. Unconscious bias in higher education: A talk for International Women’s Day

    …the same tone. And gendered expectations of who does which job area widespread. You only have to google ‘professor’ to get a series of images of white middle aged men (Professor McGonagall being a notable exception!) Some of the work which we’ve done at Plymouth has looked at how to reduce the impact of unconscious bias in HE. In particular, we’ve developed guidance for mitigating unconscious bias in teaching and learning. As a general rule, ther…

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  5. University Alliance showcases women scientists for International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    …nt of a research culture than can create difficulties for women. At University Alliance, we are committed to addressing these inequities within research and innovation. But despite the challenges that exist, the inspiring women scientists of the Alliance have continued to carry out ground breaking research and innovation. From the worlds of microbiology, sports science, ethnic inequalities in health and more, women scientists at Alliance instituti…

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  6. Sile Sibanda – University of Derby

    …focused on and you’re like ‘OK, I need to get there’. And then when that crumbles you have to be a little bit creative and think: ‘If I can’t do that, what else can I do?’ “If you really want to go to uni and you haven’t got the place you wanted, Clearing is the best option. If it wasn’t for Clearing, I don’t think I’d have come to uni.” Finding the words Sile’s course would put her in situations that encouraged her to think carefully about commu…

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  7. Submission to the Independent Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance – Second call for evidence

    …onomous so as to achieve its position as one of the best HE sectors in the world. [Download as PDF] Understanding the higher education market There has been increasing interest in the concept of a market in higher education over recent years following the introduction of variable fees; whether from those who believe that “dividing up our limited resource through a market mechanism is wrong”1; or those who promote it as a route to driving up standa…

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  8. Developing low-cost air quality monitors for Heathrow Airport

    …ith a particle filter which needed changing regularly, and by hand. Ground-breaking design Professor Kaye and his colleagues set about researching a completely new type of OPC that could operate without a pump or filter, but which could still achieve the accuracy of individual particle counting and sizing offered by far more expensive commercially available OPC instruments. “Our approach involved optical and aerodynamic modelling of various design…

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