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  1. Knowledge exchange remains crucial for growth

    …niversities will be considering how they can step up their interaction with the private sector to support growth and innovation. They will also be equipping their students to be tomorrow’s workforce and continue to drive the momentum of the UK’s economy. This work is rarely talked about in the press, but it is having an important and lasting impact on the economy and wider society making it a win/win for students, universities, business & industry…

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  2. Alliance response to 1994 Group report on postgraduate provision

    …letion rates but further work would be needed to understand this more fully. Completion volume in relation to research and teaching staff is a measure of research intensity rather than quality or efficiency and tells us nothing about economic impact or value for money. “It is clear that on the basis of quality alone, the appropriate unit of measurement is not the institution. The UK system measures excellence at the discipline level and to change…

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  3. Briefing on what Alliance universities are doing to help economic recovery and shaping the new economy

    …Nottingham Trent University has developed commercial partnerships with over 6,000 companies globally and operates a unique commercial structure to look after needs of business, including contract managers Developing the skills of those in employment Alliance universities also work with people in employment to further develop their high-level skills. Example: University of Bradford’s Escalate programme works with business on the continuing professi…

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  4. University Alliance appoints first Director

    …to lead on policies that will shape the future of higher education in the UK. Their balance of strength in teaching and research, active engagement with leading modern industries and major contribution to social mobility puts them at the heart of the higher education sector and ensures the group is well-placed to provide crucial evidence and play a vital role in improving national decision-making.” Chair of the University Alliance and Vice-Chance…

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  5. Upskilling a global automative technology company

    …onal classroom teaching methods, online digital media and independent study. The combined outstanding contribution of both KPIT’s and the university’s teams has been recognised in Coventry University’s Staff Excellence Awards for two years running. KPIT has welcomed the rapid implementation of the courses, a direct consequence of the innovative ‘flying faculty’ approach. Working with KPIT has allowed the university to develop the programmes collab…

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  6. University Alliance Backs Joint Commitment on Degree Classifications

    …ay forward and represents a coordinated approach and commitment across the UK.” Professor Steve West, Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West of England said: “Many institutions have been proactive in addressing concerns about grade inflation within a complex system. This statement builds on the sector’s ongoing commitment to protecting the value of UK degrees, recognising that we have a collective responsibility to get this right. “It is im…

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    Exam paper
  7. University Alliance comments on new Universities & Science Minister’s appointment

    …their regions and industry. “We must see real energy from ministers so the UK can compete aggressively for international students and to export higher education overseas; attract skilled academics, teachers and professionals where needed; and generate research collaboration and investment.” Further reading: UUK has published its post-Brexit priorities   FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY “Universities short and medium-term finances will be a key debate in 2…

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  8. University Alliance responds to Education Select Committee report in Value for Money in HE

    …ion of Britain’s skills landscape and address some of the fundamental challenges in partnership with universities. It is right that we consider the question of value for money in higher education and we were pleased to submit evidence to this inquiry. We welcome the report’s call for a greater focus on skills by universities. We would however also highlight the fantastic work already being undertaken in this area by University Alliance members who…

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  9. UA responds to the NUS Poverty Commission Report

    …tudent poverty has been missing from debates about higher education funding. The NUS Poverty Commission report is an important corrective to this, highlighting the challenges which many students – particularly those from working-class backgrounds or studying part-time – face in accessing and succeeding in post-16 education. While there has been progress in widening participation this evidence suggests that, for many, the day-to-day challenges of m…

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  10. UA Chief Executive gives evidence to Public Accounts Committee

    …cation market at a recent meeting of the House of Common’s Public Accounts Committee. Alongside Maddalaine were Amatey Doku, Vice President (Higher Education), National Union of Students and Dennis Farringdon, Visiting Fellow, Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies. You can watch the discussion on Parliamentlive.TV or read the transcript here. Maddalaine also wrote a letter to the committee to support key issues she highlighted to the C…

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