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  1. Closing the Gap: unlocking opportunity through higher education

    …just 2% of the total HE budget and is constantly under threat. We need to maintain or even increase this funding (known currently as Student Opportunity funding). 3. Graduate careers are changing all the time but public discourse is not keeping pace. The result is a mismatch of aspiration and labour market opportunities. For example, one third of teenagers want to do just 10 highly competitive jobs, while the 10 least popular jobs pay above media…

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  2. THE – University applicant numbers hit near-record levels

    …pplicants applied to higher education courses in the UK by 15 January, the main deadline for university applications, far higher than at the same point last year, according to statistics published by the admissions body Ucas on 31 January. Speaking to the Times Higher Education, Libby Hackett Chief Executive of University Alliance said the figures “vindicated” the decision to lift the cap on student numbers. However, she added that it now became “…

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  3. Getting the English language skills that work for students

    English language ability remains high on the employability agenda for businesses in a range of global industries. Many jobs in healthcare, finance, technology and a range of other sectors require a good command of English, but how can students get the language skills they need? Students embarking on careers where they have to use English in their day to day work can take a number of sensible steps. For a start they should look at how much English…

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  4. Start-up: Bill's story 6 months on

    …we’re able to put some real strategic planning in place that should see us maintain or even exceed our trend of 100% growth. I often think back to earlier stages start of the journey, such as when Steve and I were sat in a pub talking through our plans to create Distant Future Animation Studio, or when we took on our first new people to help us meet demand. We’ve achieved a lot and I think that’s why it feels like more than two years and eight mon…

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  5. Delivering excellence across the UK

    …ities and our leading professional and applied institutions. Examples of excellence Excellence exists across the sector and across the country. The following case studies demonstrate how universities are critical to future economic growth and support our international position as a place people want to live, work and invest. Supporting regional economic growth Universities are important for their own sake, as centres of enquiry and learning, yet t…

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  6. Delivering excellence across the UK

    …ities and our leading professional and applied institutions. Examples of excellence Excellence exists across the sector and across the country. The following case studies demonstrate how universities are critical to future economic growth and support our international position as a place people want to live, work and invest. Supporting regional economic growth Universities are important for their own sake, as centres of enquiry and learning, yet t…

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  7. Flexibility is key

    …aking place right across our university sector. Similarly, the decision to maintain the Higher Education Innovation Fund at current levels is welcome. HEIF remains an incredibly attractive investment for the taxpayer. Estimates place the return on HEIF as £6 for every £1 invested, although this probably underestimates the ultimate benefits to the economy and society thanks to the positive changes it makes to universities’ approach to knowledge exc…

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  8. BBC: ‘Vocational courses call to UK universities’

    …ntrepreneurial graduates in the workforce to meet the challenges these changes will present.” “This is less about the subject you study and more about the way it is taught.” She added that the key was to maintain close links with industry and offer high quality work placements to students so that they were prepared “for the changing world beyond university”. Read the full article.  …

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  9. Bournemouth University – Creating, sharing and inspiring

    …cause we have a strong professional orientation with a focus on academic excellence and graduate employability. Our students thrive on the connections that they build whilst at BU and beyond. All undergraduate students are offered professional placements which helps maintain the University as one of the top UK institutions for graduate employment. We actually have more full-time undergraduate students on sandwich courses than any other university…

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