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  1. New report challenges outdated perspective on ‘good’ universities

    …re-training and re-skilling in line with international best practice. We recommend that this is an income-contingent loan that is repaid after graduation and that low earners are protected but that the cohort as a whole repay in full. In other words, this is a non-subsidised loan system. We need to ensure loan access for all students in higher education to remove the barrier of upfront costs. This is particularly needed for postgraduate and ELQ st…

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  2. University Alliance joins campaign for increased female participation in STEM

    …signposting to a campaign website. Use consistent campaign messages in our communications activities on women in technology and engineering careers. Work in partnership with other Compact signatories to align messages for maximum effect, for example by timing relevant activity to support Tomorrow’s Engineers Week in November 2014 and National Science and Engineering Week in March 2015. Run an event / events to stimulate debate about women in STEM,…

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  3. HELP from Down Under?

    …o Editors: 1. On Thursday, 24th April 2014, HEPI is publishing two reports comparing the English and Australian higher education systems: A summary report: A comparison of student loans in England and Australia by Nick Hillman, Director of HEPI A detailed analysis: A comparison of higher education funding in England and Australia: what can we learn? by Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance and a visiting Research Fellow in Higher E…

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  4. Getting the English language skills that work for students

    …set themselves a sensible target to work towards. The Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is a good place to start as it’s one of the most commonly used systems to describe different levels of language ability. At Cambridge, our experts have produced a short video which gives a really good overview of the CEFR. Students should also take a look at the ‘Can Do’ statements which were developed by a group o…

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  5. Start-up: Bill's story 6 months on

    …g our promises to our ever-growing client list. The skills in our team are complementary yet diverse which is perfect as the work we do is always varied. Over the last six months we’ve done work to help companies promote their new products and promote their services to prospective and existing clients, we’ve created medical animations to help parents understand leukaemia, we’ve created animated branding to help breathe life into corporate identiti…

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  6. Celebrating graduates who are turning their business ideas into reality

    …nomic growth. Alliance universities and NACUE societies alike are fully committed to ensuring all students and graduates have the opportunity to turn their idea into a reality. Entrepreneurs @Tees are taking the initiative to become self-sustaining by setting up a t-shirt printing company, drawing inspiration from local landmarks for their designs. They’re hoping it’s going to help them create even more opportunities for students at Teesside Unive…

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  7. 150 years with Plymouth University

    …While the University has grown beyond all recognition since that era, our commitment to serving our communities is still at the heart of what we do.” The new £19 million Marine Building She continues, “we are a bold, innovative university, one that lives by its motto of ‘explore, dream, discover’. As our nomination for University of the Year has shown, we’re plotting an exciting course in the higher education sector, and we can be confident for t…

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  8. University Alliance respond to the Milburn Report on social mobility

    …–ends– Press contact – Andrew Henry, | 07833 236 629 About University Alliance University Alliance is a group of 24 universities offering a distinct student experience shaped by a commitment to delivering world-class research and a culture of enterprise and innovation built on close partnerships with business, the professions and their communities.…

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  9. We need more graduates if we’re really serious about growth

    …r the nation’s capacity for economic growth. Worryingly for the UK, global competitors are continuing to invest heavily in expanding higher education despite their own budget deficits. In contrast, England has had to reduce the number of places available at university to control expenditure. If the UK is to remain globally competitive we will need more graduates in our workforce. In light of the evidence, we must continue to seek ways to increase…

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  10. University Alliance campaign about value of going to university

    …President, said: “Now is a really important time for the whole university community, including students, to tell the story about the value of a degree. We welcome the University Alliance campaign to bring together the stories of empowered students and we hope that this starts a wider dialogue between existing students and those considering whether university is for them.” A student featured in the campaign, Amy Guy, said: “If graduates are going…

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    David Willetts, Universities Minister, launching More than just a degree