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  1. Guardian: Snobbery is outdated – universities have to train students for jobs

    …ee that boosts their employment prospects. “Only students who don’t need jobs can afford an education that does not prepare them for the workplace, and very few are in this position. “Getting a good job” is consistently given in student surveys as the main motivation for going to university, and students expect a professional degree to prepare them for their chosen profession. This is as true in law, engineering, architecture and medicine as it is…

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  2. This app can change your life

    …rsity’s Brush DJ, a free app designed to encourage youngsters to adopt and maintain an effective oral health care routine, has been downloaded on more than 197,000 devices in 188 countries. There have been impressive numbers of downloads for SAM app a free self-help app for anxiety – – more than 500,000 users worldwide in more than 100 countries. It was developed by psychologists, computer and engineering scientists at UWE Bristol and the Bristol…

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  3. Teaching and training: The Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise

    …een replicated in optometry, through the University’s Centre for Eyecare Excellence, which takes walk-in cases in Plymouth and offers a range of specialist services, and medicine, at the Cumberland Centre, where more than 1,000 NHS patients are treated by medical students and University doctors. As part of their course, the dental students also work with community groups (again under supervision) to raise awareness of oral health in local schools,…

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  4. Research: Living well with dementia

    …ve design and care for people living with dementia, the university aims to maintain independence and promote integrated support in the communities where people live. Core to the Institute’s success are cross-disciplinary working with research and other staff drawn from across all schools in the university including the built environment, digital technology, healthcare and robotics. People with a dementia diagnosis and their carers and family membe…

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  5. CPD: End of life care Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

    …care through raising awareness of the needs of patients transitioning from palliative to end of life care. St Luke’s Hospice welcomed the chance to strengthen ties with Sheffield Hallam and bring their experience and expertise to help shape the course. The course devotes a week to each of the 4 main themes: Talking about death and dying Spiritual and cultural aspects of End of Life Care Preparing for dying Bereavement The course provides a unique…

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  6. How can your research impact on future policies?

    …ut discipline borders (they may be the last renaissance men and women) and mainly work responsively on short projects addressing very specific requirements to be able to deliver the best solution. For example, using their scientific expertise they provided police forces with the capability to enforce the recent drug driving law. CAST also carries out horizon scanning to assess technologies to tackle current and emerging threats. Engaging with indu…

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  7. New Year’s Honours for Alliance universities’ staff

    …. He retired from UWE in August of this year having served as Pro Vice-Chancellor with a portfolio covering partnerships, diversity and civic engagement. He led UWE’s partnership work with academies and trust schools and is currently the chairman of the Cabot Learning Federation, a multi-academy trust sponsored by UWE and Rolls Royce responsible for 13 local schools. He was a founder member, director and past chair of Trust in Learning Academies w…

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  8. The Teaching Excellence Framework: Five key principles

    …truck with financial implications for institutions: the cost of Research Excellence Framework is estimated to be in the region of £246m. A Teaching Excellence Framework couldbe considerably larger and more expensive if implemented at subject level. In my view, the approach most likely to work is for measurement to reflect self-assessment and peer review as well as light-touch metrics. Any data used as part of the TEF should be contextualised, usin…

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    Innovative students
  9. THE: Spending Review: student funding shake-up announced

    …Maddalaine Ansell was quoted in Times Higher Education’s round-up. The Chancellor announced a number of changes including the relaxation of the age cap for postgraduate loans, the introduction of maintenance loans for part-time students, and a loosening of the rules on tuition fee loan eligibility for students wishing to do a second degree. However the government also confirmed it will go ahead with freezing the repayment threshold for student loa…

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