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Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. Delivering one of the world’s first Degree Apprenticeships in Midwifery

    …r careers. For its delivery, we are working very closely with our partner trusts. This includes recruitment, interviews and quarterly tripartite review meetings, where we monitor the apprentices’ progress. Currently, we are working with 13 Trusts across London and the South East. Traditionally, Greenwich had attracted local, more mature students onto these programmes. However, the then-Government’s decision to withdraw the NHS Bursary Scheme in 20…

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    Sue Lawrence
  2. Why degree apprenticeships deserve your attention

    …ticeship (PCDA) is utilised by 21 police forces in England and Wales and delivered mostly by universities (including the ground-breaking Police Education Consortium). However, this has been destabilised through a frustrating policy disconnect within government following the Home Office decision to end the compulsory roll-out of police degrees and statements promoting non-degree routes for policing. 2. There are choppy waters ahead We should not as…

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    UA logo - pink
  3. Our welcome note to the new Prime Minister

    …tertiary academic, technical and professional education and training and crucially, delivering hope and aspiration to every generation. Take LS Lowry educated at what we now know as Salford University arguably one of the most critically important British artists of the 20th century; Cressida Cowell, the newly appointed Children’s Laureate, alumna from University of Brighton; Bear Grylls former SAS service man and the youngest-ever Chief Scout edu…

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    Boris Johnson
  4. Let’s get strategic

    …gths: advancing businesses – particularly SMEs – and communities through research and innovation, helping to deliver a sustainable and transformed NHS workforce, and providing the high-level skills that individuals and employers need to navigate an uncertain future. We set out detailed recommendations on these in our policy briefing. A fifth goal is wider, concerning the sector’s relationship with government. We believe that government higher educ…

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    Susanna Kalitowski
  5. Star Award winner at Alliance Awards 2020 highlights her award-winning work

    …We have all helped each other throughout the past twelve months and moving online has been challenging but extremely rewarding. We were definitely up to the challenge. We are still putting on a lot of events and volunteering opportunities but these are now online via MS Teams or Zoom. I have lost count of the number of virtual coffees I have had with students over the past few months! I am now working very closely with our Marketing and External A…

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  6. The Teaching Excellence Alliance – Strategic Overview

    …versities that focus on professional and technical skills are crucial to delivering the skills employers need (Industrial Strategy) Equally, if our students are to succeed in a world shaped by next generation technology, we need to equip them not only with the knowledge and skills they need but also with the right personal aptitudes and capabilities; resilience and conscious curiosity; and personal social and cultural capital. (Social Mobility age…

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    Teaching Excellence Alliance
  7. Digital teaching and learning: time for a blended approach

    …issue of digital poverty as separate to other areas of student financial struggle. Finally, the challenge of infrastructure and resources needs to be addressed. As well as fit for purpose technology and compatible systems we need to address the false dichotomy of physical versus digital. If we are to truly blend we need to think strategically about the implications of this, for example estates planning and upskilling of staff. Universities need to…

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  8. The DTA is International- Part 2

    …al data and further improve modelling of ice formation. I have chosen to research in this area because it enables me to broaden my career options, extending my knowledge of aerodynamics from aerospace to renewable wind power, the world’s fastest growing energy source. More specifically, by understanding the ice formation process and offering an effective solution, I hope to help expand wind power across more cold regions and therefore further prom…

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  9. Winner of the Integrity Award at Alliance Awards 2020 recounts her award-winning work

    Written by Lorraine Slater, Research Student Officer (Recruitment and Researcher Development), The Doctoral College, University of Brighton Lorraine has been with the University of Brighton’s Doctoral College since its inception in 2011, starting with a part-time role in Arts and Humanities admissions. Ten years later, she now works full time across 13 schools in a highly varied role. She leads on Doctoral College communications and events; suppo…

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  10. #WeAreInternational blog: Sadaf Akbari

    …. “After that, being able to propose my own project at PhD level here gave me the freedom to follow my interests. With the support of my supervisor at Kingston, it has enabled me to combine my biology expertise with a new skillset in engineering.” Research students from 67 institutions across the United Kingdom and Ireland entered this year’s national Three Minute Thesis competition. Sadaf took home a prize of £3,000 in UK Research and Innovation…

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