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  1. Digital teaching and learning: time for a blended approach

    …r their resilience and the speed and innovative approaches they adopted to maintain high levels of learning and teaching for their students. Whilst the scale and speed is perhaps surprising, for Alliance universities, the success of digital learning approaches is not. For many of us in the UA, developing and embedding digital learning opportunities has been an integral part of our teaching and learning models for some time. At Teesside University,…

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  2. University Alliance submission to APPG on students

    …students living costs, all students should be offered access to increased maintenance loans through the Student Loan Company. The government should also explore whether a proportion of the loan amount could be issued as a grant, either on a blanket or targeted basis. 2. To ensure universities can target support where it is most needed, including through hardship funds, and ensure the ongoing costs associated with the pandemic do not impact on the…

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  3. University Alliance responds to the package of announcements released by the Department for Education

    …post-18 review, Post Qualification Admissions consultation and Teaching Excellence Framework – come at an important time for post-18 education, and indeed the nation as we look towards the post-COVID recovery. It’s important that any reforms offer stability and support for universities and current and future learners as we navigate our way out of the crisis. University Alliance welcomes the Post-Qualification Admissions consultation, which presen…

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  4. University Alliance responds to the Government’s Skills for jobs White Paper and Interim Conclusion of the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding

    …e White Paper and interim response, University Alliance Chair and Vice Chancellor of the University of Brighton Professor Debra Humphris said: “As the nation looks to build back better from the pandemic, the country will need more people with higher level skills. It is therefore welcome to see the commitment laid out within the Skills For Jobs White Paper and interim conclusion of the post-18 review, to transform post-16 education and training to…

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  5. 3 years in 3 minutes: DTA student success in the 3MT

    …as not at all conscious about the camera recording me. When I received an email saying I won and I will be representing my university at the Vitae semi-finals, I was speechless. I did not know how to react. I felt good that I won but my main victory and happiness was still rooting from the fact that I defeated my fears. It was success redefined. This challenge was an eye opener for me and helped me in so many ways that I could not imagine. I would…

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  6. First ever University Alliance awards recognise the commitment and dedication of Alliance colleagues

    …he 7 awards are based on a set of principles co-created by member Vice-Chancellors earlier in the year and ratified as part of the members’ meeting held as part of the Summit. Members were asked to nominate colleagues from across their institution for each of the awards and a judging panel made up of representatives selected from across the membership were asked to judge the finalists.   The full list of winners:   The Unity Award: recognising the…

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  7. The DTA is Intersectoral- Part 4

    …preparing new research funding applications I try to find out what are the main challenges faced by the industry partners and how could we address them using state-of-the-art or future technologies.” According to Vladimir, this understanding is something Early Career Researchers really benefit from gaining at the beginning of their academic journeys, “The earlier researchers realise how industry works and thinks, the higher the chances are for the…

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  8. The DTA is Intersectoral- Part 3

    …says the ability to work with an organisation like Pirbright is one of the main advantages of the DTA programme; “The most beneficial element of the programme is that students are encouraged to do placements. This means you learn new things and meet more people- people who can help you in your future career.” She also values the DTA’s commitment to bring researchers together in a cohort that crosses disciplines and universities. She says that havi…

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  9. The DTA is Intersectoral- Part 2

    …energy companies as well as government advisors and leading academics. The main aim of the bootcamp was for participants to work together in teams to identify an innovative idea addressing a current world-issue to be pitched to a jury of experts. Some of the final proposals included using drone technology to detect cracks in concrete, using waste heat from nuclear energy in agriculture and using submarines to power towns after natural disasters. A…

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  10. The Next Government must Invest Across the Whole of Nursing Education

    …e, to see commitments from almost all political parties to (re)introduce a maintenance grant or equivalent for nursing students (although guarantees must be given that this is available to all allied healthcare students). If delivered, this financial support will bring welcome incentives to support the recruitment and retention of nurses. However, while the bursary provided a much-needed safety net, its removal is not the only cause of current sho…

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