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  1. Climate Action in wildlife, biodiversity and agriculture

    …address overfishing Posted on October 24, 2021 Welsh semi-wild ponies and maintaining biodiversity and agricultural sustainability Posted on October 24, 2021 Creating a new national park for the West Midlands Posted on October 24, 2021 Investigating wildfires in the UK Posted on October 24, 2021 Working with NASA on improving global weather forecasts Posted on October 24, 2021 Using cloud-free surveillance technology to provide enhanced crop inte…

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  2. How supermarkets can engage consumers to think more about household food waste

    …he same principle could be applied to work within retail environments. The main criterion is that people are continuously aided by clear prompts that can realistically aid them to engage in cognitive processing. That way it would become habitual to integrate suitable ways of thinking that are focused on reducing waste. For example: supermarkets could have clear signage throughout the stores reminding shoppers to carefully consider whether they can…

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  3. Developing low-cost air quality monitors for Heathrow Airport

    …) instruments were not only too expensive, but required access for routine maintenance, which the airport authorities would not accept. The Hertfordshire team had previously developed low-cost balloon-borne OPCs to study atmospheric Saharan dust, a key driver of weather patterns over Europe. These were cheap enough for the Heathrow project but contained an air-pump with a particle filter which needed changing regularly, and by hand. Ground-breakin…

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  4. FOOdIVERSE project: diversifying sustainable and organic food systems

    …ducated and affluent consumers is strongly interested in organic food. The mainstream food supply chains and their governance are characterised by a food regime that creates large quantities of standardised food. A more diverse food system could deliver more choices and could be more sustainable. What is lacking is a systematic and practice-oriented characterisation of diversity in the food system and its impact on resilience, enhancing socio-econ…

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  5. University of Brighton study points way for new greener biomethane-fuelled transport

    …“These exciting results provide a clear and realistic pathway that could accelerate the decarbonisation of heavy goods vehicles. Hauliers want to reduce the carbon footprint of their operation. However, they make money when their trucks are on the road delivering goods, not when they are stationary. As a world-expert in clean, efficient energy and systems and a trusted engineering advisor to many of the world’s biggest vehicle manufacturers, Ricar…

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  6. Microalgae: sustainable food source of the future?

    Microalgae – from salt water to scale-up To maintain current consumption trends the world needs to produce 50-70% more food by 2050. University of Greenwich researchers have been looking into Microalgae and how it could revolutionise the food industry. As the primary producers of the marine food web, Microalgae are an underexploited resource. They consume more CO2 than they produce, they grow faster than any other plant, and they can be grown in…

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  7. University Alliance responds to OfS Quality and Standards conditions consultation

    …nal and domestic. Moreover, the content of Condition B3 and the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) will not be consulted on until later this year. It is difficult to provide views on the regulatory consequences for breach of these conditions until more information is provided and the future of the TEF decided. We are therefore calling on OfS to develop the full suite of B conditions and TEF as a coherent set of proposals, and…

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  8. DTA Summer School 2021 – coming together to explore interdisciplinarity

    …Udit Tiwari from UCLan) had the formidable task of summarising them in the main room ahead of a final vote. It was a narrow margin, but the ‘for’ team successfully made their case! The sessions dedicated to researchers’ presentations provided the opportunity to hear about each other’s projects in more depth. We had the choice to share our work as oral, Pecha-Kucha-style or poster presentations, and the themes – how our research relates to the worl…

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  9. We must support the diversification of academia’s media face

    …handle potential negative backlash, and methods and support groups to help maintain their well-being in such situations. The peer-to-peer networks that the University Alliance is establishing are also extremely valuable, allowing BAME academics to discuss experiences and receive support from those more seasoned in media relations. Given that universities have a long way to go towards hiring an ethnically diverse academic workforce, the burden of t…

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  10. Centre for Social Innovation at Teesside University

    …in achieving social outcomes, which in turn is central to their ability to maintain trust and legitimacy with both their stakeholders and future funders. Increasingly, those organisations need to be able to provide independent evidence to funding bodies that demonstrates how outcomes and value has been achieved. This type of evaluative research is often complex, crosses a wide variety of academic disciplines and requires independence. The CSEI wor…

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