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  1. Celebrating success at the Guardian University 2015 Awards

    …vent businesses from gaining accredited EMS. The Guardian University Awards 2015 highlighted other great examples from a wide range of universities. A common theme emerged from the night – one of working with students to create interesting and challenging learning opportunities. Sometimes students can prove adept at pushing the challenge back to the lecturer – particularly if things do not work as smoothly as hoped. We talk a lot about building st…

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  2. Developing intelligent technology to improve quality of life for people with neurological disabilities

    …yal College of Physicians have positively commented on the devices in their 2012 Stroke Guidelines. Since 2008, well over 10,000 stimulators have been sold – doubling OML’s turnover. They have also been exported to 18 countries including developing nations such as India. The company aims to make FES a routine treatment in the NHS and to develop its use overseas. They are already working with the research team to improve the current technology thro…

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  3. Alliance universities see big increase in share of world class research

    …lects an increase in submissions from 4,237 to 4,325. Our response to the REF 2014 exercise On 18 December, 2014, the Higher Education Funding Council for England announced the results of the REF 2014 exercise. Responding to the announcement, Professor Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, said: “Today is about celebrating that research across UK universities is amongst the best in the world. Research excellence is a top priority for Alliance…

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  4. Growing Industries

    …velop new strategies, management styles and methods of production to boost competitiveness. Alongside this rich source of knowledge and new perspectives, Alliance universities offer a fertile environment to incubate and support entrepreneurial students, graduates and spin-out companies that are translating ideas and excellent research into new ventures. Research into turbocharger engines in collaboration with businesses is creating and securing lo…

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  5. What is the role for universities in entrepreneurship?

    …familiar to Alliance universities – they provide an environment to create communities which have become the lifeblood for a new breed of start-up. Within these universities an idea can quickly be tested and developed into a business. These entrepreneurial hubs are providing financial support, business knowhow and engendering creativity through a mix of disciplines, academia and business, along with a smattering of visiting international collabora…

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  6. There may be trouble ahead…

    …t week the Higher Education Commission published a report setting out 16 recommendations following their inquiry into future risks to the financial sustainability of the sector. The Commission aimed to identify what is needed for ‘a thriving, buzzing centre of knowledge for England and the rest of the UK; building and expanding, producing valuable outputs, as well as receiving public investments’. Our higher education sector plays a vital role in…

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  7. What kind of place do we want to live in, really…?

    …on track to abolish child poverty. He bluntly warns that the link between effort and reward on which social mobility relies has been broken by changes in the housing market – home ownership rates have halved among young people in 20 years – and the labour market – 5 million workers are trapped in low pay. Even where young people have worked hard and succeeded at university – the ‘who you know, not what you know’ monster rears its ugly head yet ag…

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  8. How can we secure Britain’s future?

    …hree key priorities for politicians and policy advisers. Priority 1 – open competition We operate a highly competitive system in the UK, which has been proven to maximise the impact of limited public investment. Public funding should continue to follow excellence where it exists to drive innovation and secure the future success of our universities. To achieve economic prosperity, research and innovation activities need sufficient and sustained fun…

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  9. New student loan design would enable universal access for first time

    …as conducted using an online panel methodology and fielded from the 7th May 2014 to 16th May 2014 to achieve 1000 completes per target (No quotas were applied in field). 1. Parents* are more concerned about the size of their child’s student loan (64%) rather than the terms of repayment (29%). When parents* were asked whether they were more concerned about the size of a student loan or the terms of repayments, 64% felt the size of the loan was the…

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  10. How do we ensure quality in an expanding HE system?

    …students. Fair admissions needs protecting – no-one wants to see students coming in who are unable to benefit from HE – but we need to avoid blunt policy responses. We do not support the introduction of centrally-imposed minimum entry requirements. There is a need for creative thinking around further ways to support retention. When data allows, the funding system should be adjusted to provide further incentives. Finally, quality costs. Others hav…

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