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  1. Telling the story about universities and growth

    Looking at our website, it won’t take you long to realise that a big focus for University Alliance is the important role of universities creating growth in our economy. It is a fact that seems self-evident and yet as Professor Wendy Purcell highlights in our new publication, “this role is often underplayed, under-utilised and misunderstood.” ‘Growing the future: universities leading, changing and creating the regional economy’ launches at the sta…

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  2. University Alliance response to the Department for Education consultation on ‘Training our next generation of outstanding teachers’

    …University Alliance response to the Department for Education consultation on ‘Training our next generation of outstanding teachers’ (see the DfE website for more details). Download the University Alliance response here….

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  3. Vince Cable visits Plymouth University to launch the first Regional Growth Fund project

    …h other means. Vince Cable visit to Plymouth University with Prof Wendy Purcell, Vice Chancellor, and Prof Julian Beer, Director of Research and Innovation, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Regional Enterprise, Research and Innovation) Business Secretary Vince Cable said: “I applaud this initiative of Plymouth University and Western Morning News. It’s a very imaginative scheme to promote small business in the area. The aim of the Regional Growth Fund is to he…

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  4. Government favoured proposals by University Alliance could provide additional university places

    …” can be downloaded from the ‘Research and Publications’ section of our website – University Alliance represents 23 major, dynamic, business-like universities at the heart of the sector that deliver world-leading research with impact and are actively business focussed. Through evidence-based policy and research, the Alliance aims to improve policymaking in higher education to the benefit of the UK economy and society. Allian…

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  5. HEPI report confirms world-leading research exists across the sector

    …ance, Concentration and diversity understanding the relationship between excellence, concentration and critical mass in UK research, available to download here. The HEPI (Higher Education Policy Institute) report is available from their website at University Alliance represents 22 major, dynamic, business-like universities at the heart of the sector that deliver world-leading research with impact and are actively business-focussed….

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  6. Briefing on what Alliance universities are doing to help economic recovery and shaping the new economy

    …and individuals during a recession Example: Recession portal on the OU website which shows you how to ‘outsmart’ the recession and gives a wide range of advice and information Example: The University of Plymouth is actively engaged within the region to help drive economic recovery. By collaboration with JobCentre Plus and pro-active professional advice and support via the bespoke ‘Executive Futures’ programme. What Alliance universities are doing…

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  7. University Alliance responds to UCAS figures released on A Level Results day

    …backgrounds increasingly applying to university. A university education remains a key pathway to achieve better lifetime earnings and opportunities and we must continue to ensure that students from all backgrounds are able to make the most of those opportunities. It’s great that so many students have secured their first choice this year. For those young people that didn’t get the places they wanted, they shouldbe reassured: clearing is there to p…

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  8. Lifelong learning

    …  “We believe in the transformational potential of lifelong learning; it remains one of the founding principles of University Alliance.” Vanessa Wilson, University Alliance CEO The Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) University Alliance supports the aims of the government’s Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE): from September 2025, there will be a single funding system enabling people to train, retrain and upskill flexibly over their working lives….

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  9. Higher Education Funding

    The higher education sector faces a challenging funding environment. Maintenance support for students has become increasingly inadequate after years of inflation, while years of frozen tuition fees now mean universities make a loss on every home student. Through effective policies and top-up funding, some of the burdens on students and universities can be alleviated in the short-term. In the longer term, we need a sustainable funding settlement….

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