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  1. Bournemouth University – Creating, sharing and inspiring

    …tre for Excellence in Media Practice in the UK and our National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA) is a global leader in education and research in computer animation and visualisation. NCCA graduate Andy Lockley won an Oscar in 2011 for his visual effects work on the 2010 blockbuster Inception, with Paul Franklin, who himself became an honorary doctorate of BU in November 2012, describing the honour as “more special” than winning an Oscar. The w…

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  2. Six degrees of separation

    …earn, but they also have an important contribution to make to our academic community. Of course, connectedness also needs to extend beyond our academic portfolio to encompass the way we work together and build relationships. For BU this has partly been about developing the sorts of links with industry that ensure our students are learning in a real world environment that is informed by business needs. A key component of this is making sure that ev…

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  3. Knowledge exchange remains crucial for growth

    …its ability to fund any form of knowledge exchange where other sources may come with far more strings attached. “Estimates place the return on HEIF as £1 for every £6 invested.” The report shows that critically, HEIF is one of only a few funds that can be used as a leverage to secure funding from other sources for knowledge exchange. However, this ability comes with added risk because if universities lose HEIF funding, the overall loss is magnifie…

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  4. Alliance response to 1994 Group report on postgraduate provision

    …to look at the relationship between PhD quality, output, employability and completion rates but further work would be needed to understand this more fully. Completion volume in relation to research and teaching staff is a measure of research intensity rather than quality or efficiency and tells us nothing about economic impact or value for money. “It is clear that on the basis of quality alone, the appropriate unit of measurement is not the instit…

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  5. Briefing on what Alliance universities are doing to help economic recovery and shaping the new economy

    …ham Trent University has developed commercial partnerships with over 6,000 companies globally and operates a unique commercial structure to look after needs of business, including contract managers Developing the skills of those in employment Alliance universities also work with people in employment to further develop their high-level skills. Example: University of Bradford’s Escalate programme works with business on the continuing professional de…

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  6. University Alliance appoints first Director

    …and prior to that was a Special Advisor to the Education and Skills Select Committee. Libby has significant research experience and has worked for the Higher Education Policy Institute and Higher Education Funding Council of England. END Notes for Editors: Established in 2007, the Alliance group comprises a mixture of pre and post 1992 universities with balanced portfolios of excellence in teaching, research and enterprise. Alliance universities a…

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  7. Upskilling a global automative technology company

    …nior management roles within the organisation. A ‘flying faculty’ approach combines traditional classroom teaching methods, online digital media and independent study. The combined outstanding contribution of both KPIT’s and the university’s teams has been recognised in Coventry University’s Staff Excellence Awards for two years running. KPIT has welcomed the rapid implementation of the courses, a direct consequence of the innovative ‘flying facul…

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  8. University Alliance Backs Joint Commitment on Degree Classifications

    …have been proactive in addressing concerns about grade inflation within a complex system. This statement builds on the sector’s ongoing commitment to protecting the value of UK degrees, recognising that we have a collective responsibility to get this right. “It is important that we keep building the evidence base to unpick the factors contributing to ‘unexplained’ increases in first and upper second class awards, as well as highlighting progress…

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    Exam paper
  9. University Alliance comments on new Universities & Science Minister’s appointment

    …egions and industry. “We must see real energy from ministers so the UK can compete aggressively for international students and to export higher education overseas; attract skilled academics, teachers and professionals where needed; and generate research collaboration and investment.” Further reading: UUK has published its post-Brexit priorities   FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY “Universities short and medium-term finances will be a key debate in 2019. “I…

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  10. University Alliance comments on proposals to tackle grade inflation

    …n said: “This is a wake-up call. “The drivers of grade classifications are complex, with a wide mix of internal and external factors impacting on degree outcomes. “It’s clear, however, university leaderships cannot put the rise in upper degrees by solely down to rising standards. No one can ignore the growing evidence of ‘unexplained’ increases beyond student attainment, characteristics or investment in academic facilities and services. “It’s plai…

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