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  1. What does research-informed teaching (RIT) look like?

    …h Russell Group (2014). ‘A Passion for Learning: The Student Experience at Russell Group Universities’ [Accessed: 23/8/16] Scanlon, E. (2014) Scholarship in the Digital Age: Open Educational Resources, Publication and Public Engagement. British Journal of Educational Technology. 45 (1) 12-23 Stoakes, G. & Cooper, P. (2012). ‘V…

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  2. The employer perspective

    …n help promote growth, expand opportunities and boost competitiveness. The world in which we live is increasingly complex and fast-paced, whether because of technological developments – from AI to blockchain – or the advent of innovative new products and services. Students will need to become accustomed to a world where changes of job will more often mean changes of career, as industries develop and evolve. To prepare for this, graduates will need…

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  3. University Alliance responds to Russell Group call to restrict research funding

    …ies – but by no means all of it. Neither is all research undertaken within Russell Group universities of world-leading quality, according to the 2008 research assessment exercise (RAE) results. The proposal put forward by the Chair of the Russell Group, to restrict research funding to just 25 universities because they have ‘been highly successful in the past’ would be highly damaging to the UK research base. Put simply, his proposals would see fun…

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  4. Annie Bell

    …variety of roles at Universities UK International and the National Union of Students. She has led external affairs work across a range of national and international higher education issues….

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  5. New fund opens to provide international placement opportunities for DTA fellows

    …’ – which will provide DTA3 alum with the opportunity to undertake an international placement. The DTA3 Legacy Fund is for DTA3 fellows following graduation from their doctoral studies. The fund will enable a 1-to-2-month international placement, in which they will explore challenges facing UK society and identify potential solutions. The proposed solutions must be scalable, sustainable and include a non-academic partner (such as a business, gover…

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  6. Our future prosperity is at risk without major reform of HE funding system

    …ign of our funding system for higher education. So much is changing in the world around us and we know that for the UK to remain globally competitive we need more graduates in the economy. How we pay for that is the difficult question that our funding proposals will seek to tackle. “We want to look at systems that will flip the way government funding for higher education is directed. Currently government is spending the majority of its HE budget i…

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  7. Government must protect research funding and Horizon association

    …lic sector partners through their research to support local, regional, and national priorities, and can play a major role both in supporting the UK to become a global science superpower, and in delivering the Government’s levelling-up agenda. With reports that the government is preparing to significantly cut the budget for research, University Alliance are deeply concerned that this would all be at risk if research funding is cut. Writing in the l…

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  8. New publication demonstrates scale of impact delivered by Research and Innovation at Alliance universities.

    …e Covid pandemic, including the development of faster and reliable tests; drug treatments to reduce the severity of Covid symptoms on the most vulnerable patients; the creation of new vaccines as well as supporting the manufacture and rollout of existing vaccines. On the week of International Women’s Day, the publication also identifies some of the steps Alliance universities are taking to embed equality, diversity and inclusion across their resea…

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  9. Dr. Dannielle Green

    …t year was incredibly challenging but it shaped me into the scientist I am today. I then won a funded PhD to work on invasive species in Ireland, so this is what led me to move to the other side of the world. How would you describe your experience as a woman scientist? Whilst I have experienced negatives, I want to focus on the positives. In the conservation work I do, I have worked with many excellent, passionate and inspiring women. In fact, I w…

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  10. There may be trouble ahead…

    …ccess student loans. They are a vital pipeline to secure the future of our world-leading research base and to encourage the transfer of knowledge into innovation that helps our economy and society to thrive. We should be making it easier for them to continue their studies and expand their skills, to be our next generation of world-class researchers, scientists and engineers. We agree with the Commission there is no silver bullet to solve the probl…

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