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  1. Space: Pioneering one of the first University Enterprise Zones

    …Campus. The building will provide both individual and shared laboratory space, offices and workshops, shared start-up ‘studio’ space, communal space for networking and meeting, access to specialist equipment and technical support and business services. Construction will be completed in summer 2016 with the UEZ open for business in the autumn. The £16.5m project is supported by £4m from the government with match-funding from the Local Enterprise P…

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  2. Transformative knowledge: Bringing the humble emergency exit sign into the 21st century

    …lays, injuries and potential fatalities. Developed as part of the European Commission FP7 GETAWAY project, the system was tested in a series of trials, including two full-scale evacuations of a railway station. Results showed that the combination of the flashing arrow and the red cross was quickly understood by most volunteers, and led the majority to use the correct exit. As well as being spotted more easily, the new signs also also reduced ‘deci…

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  3. Collaborative outreach: Stripping out traditional barriers to entry and success

    …ning. This allows a part-time student who wishes to put in a great deal of effort to complete a degree within three years. The lifting of the cap on student numbers means that these students will now be able to take out the full-time learning loan and study whilst maintaining their working life. This high level of personal and academic support has enabled CUC to accept students with lower entry qualifications, on a staged entry programme (HNC, HND…

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  4. UA responds to HEPI report on educational underachievement of young men

    …nstitutions have a strong track record in working with partners to encourage entrants through different routes – for example, Greenwich and Kingston Universities are working alongside Fulham and Charlton Athletic Football Clubs, using football to raise awareness of all the benefits a degree has to offer youngsters who come from families with no previous experience of university education. Institutions adopting specific objectives is effective: The…

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  5. University Alliance responds to the HE Green Paper

    …part from our strong links with industry and the professions. We will continue to develop these – including by creating new Degree Apprenticeships. “We also pride ourselves on using our world-leading research to enrich our teaching. We welcome the commitment to the dual support system. This makes our system dynamic and promotes innovation. While we recognise the value of reducing the cost of participating in the REF, any simplification must not i…

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  6. Mind the gap report – Liverpool John Moores University case study

    …orating on new initiatives to support graduates’ work-readiness. In January 2015 ‘World of Work Uncovered’ was launched where 40 students and 10 academic staff spent a day with Barclays sharing ideas about employability, industry informed curricula and leading edge industry applications. LJMU also worked with Barclays to re-design and help to deliver the company’s in-house graduate training programmes. LJMU has also developed a new three-month pre…

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  7. Kingston University’s Big Read

    …le, discipline or geographic location’. Indeed, an observable aspect of Welcome Week was the effect the initiative was having on university staff. Everyone, from reception through to the library and student services, had something good to say about it. A balloon debate at the end of October will allow academics as well as administrative staff to discuss how the themes of the book relate to their research, teaching, and professional and personal in…

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  8. University Alliance messages to Government 2015-2020

    …y and attracts high levels of inward investment. Government must invest at competitive levels through the dual support system. Research excellence. Because competition drives quality, research funding for universities should continue to be allocated “wherever excellence is found”. Collaboration. Funding bodies must reward collaborative and interdisciplinary research. Collaboration not only fosters innovation but guards against duplication and inef

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  9. Being innovative about the future of innovation funding

    …t a 4-point plan for the future of innovation funding, underpinned by our universities’ crucial role in helping our businesses, cities and regions to flourish. [1] [2] Global Competitiveness Index 2014-15, The World Economic Forum, 2014; Main Science and Technology Indicators, OECD, 2015 [3] The Global Innovation Index 2014, Cornell University, INSEAD and WIPO, 2014; EU Innovation Union…

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