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  1. UA reacts to the Secretary of State for Education’s speech on FE reform

    …tractive option for young people, and it does not need to be denigrated in order to lift up further education. Everyone in the country will benefit when all parts of the education system are highly regarded and well-funded. “It’s also wrong to suggest that higher education rarely offers technical qualifications and training. Alliance universities offer a range of first class technical degrees from Level 4 upwards, both themselves and in partnershi…

    Read more of: UA reacts to the Secretary of State for Education’s speech on FE reform
  2. Jo Johnson MP Appointed as Minister of State

    …ortant junction for UK higher education and the country. As we look to the needs of our economy and workforce post-Brexit, Alliance Universities are well-placed to deliver the high-level skills and creativity needed to drive the necessary innovation, workforce development and social change.” “In order to continue and extend their impact on students, communities and the economy, UK universities need sustained funding and certainty. We wholeheartedl…

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    Jo Johnson MP
  3. University Alliance responds to Immigration White Paper

    …y Alliance members and Britain’s world leading university sector as a whole. In order for our higher education sector, which contributes £95 billion to the UK economy, to continue to thrive we need to be able to access not just capable students but also the brilliant academics, technicians and researchers that make our universities globally renowned. We worry that a system of arbitrary targets, income measures and restrictions will put this vital…

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to Immigration White Paper
  4. The value of values

    …ese shared values explicit in our first activity looking at distinctiveness. It was time well spent. The accelerated course design activity at the Sandpit was so successful partly because everyone was clear about the values at the heart of what they were trying to achieve. They were therefore also clear about what characteristics their programme would need to have in order to express those values in an ‘excellent’ way. Course design often starts w…

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  5. CityMetric: Here’s what anchor universities add to UK city economies

    …government’s agenda to rebalance the economy. The article explores how in order to understand better how modern civic universities build stronger communities, University Alliance undertook four deep dives in different parts of England across four themes: health and wellbeing; reducing inequality; innovation; and skills. “…Our intention was to demonstrate, through real examples, the breadth and nature of the contribution that anchor institutions m…

    Read more of: CityMetric: Here’s what anchor universities add to UK city economies
  6. Supporting success: Working with BMW Group to offer unique degree opportunity

    …h and Modern Languages, and also studying the language whilst in Regensburg. They will also complete an engineering module within the university’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (MEMS) in order to understand the technical side of the business, which BMW Group requires of their graduate employees. With the introduction of this programme, Oxford Brookes is building upon a long-established relationship with BMW. The Un…

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  7. Problem Solved: University Research Answering Today’s Challenges

    …ilding the UK research base must be core to any strategy for growth in the UK economy. We must also recognise that postgraduate students will be the next generation of researchers and so it is imperative that we build environments that enable them to grow. We must continue to invest in our highest performing research units right across the sector in order to secure the UK’s future as a world-leader in research and innovation. It is often small ste…

    Read more of: Problem Solved: University Research Answering Today’s Challenges
  8. DTA Summer School 2022 – Three days of Celebration, Collaboration and Community

    …g the summer schools. These images were later considered for the DTA Photo Competition. This video provides an overview of the training opportunities offered by the Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA). On the first day, we all arrived at the University of Brighton. After a brief coffee and catch-up, the session was kickstarted with a welcome address by the Head of DTA Jennie Eldridge, followed by a conversation panel discussion on the topic: ‘What is…

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    Surya Maruthupandian
  9. Accounting for Community: Engaging Students (ACES) Scheme at Oxford Brookes

    …ding much needed services to community organisations such as cooperatives, community interest companies, charities and voluntary organisations in Oxford. It enables students to contribute to the well-being of the local community whilst developing their professional skills and contributing to their employability. Being part of this scheme will look great on your CV. How does it work? Each year second and final year Accounting and Finance students v…

    Read more of: Accounting for Community: Engaging Students (ACES) Scheme at Oxford Brookes