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  1. Hosting a hospital – how an NHS Nightingale hospital was created in three weeks at UWE Bristol

    …ving a hospital spring up in the space of two weeks across from my office is not something I could ever have predicted at the start of the year, everyone here has risen to the challenge with all the energy, willingness to collaborate and community spirit I’ve come to expect from our students and staff. This is us at our best, and demonstrates how we and the higher education sector can play such a vital role in the current pandemic. This article wa…

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  2. Universities need stability this autumn

    …ry, the early days of the pandemic were given over to large-scale digital reform and innovation. Universities gave accommodation and conference centres over to the frontline pandemic response while simultaneously moving teaching and student support online. I am amazed at the scale of change huge institutions were able to implement in the time available. As chair of University Alliance, I’m particularly proud of the flexibility shown by alliance un…

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  3. Anglia Ruskin University joins the University Alliance

    …sion and goal, where collaboration is key to meeting the challenges of the coming months. We want to support Alliance universities in realising their ambitions to serve their communities and power the national economic, social and cultural recovery post Covid-19.” Professor Roderick Watkins, Vice-Chancellor of Anglia Ruskin University said: “As one of the leading providers of public service degrees in the country, we are very proud of the innovati…

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  4. The DTA is Intersectoral- Part 2

    …ing a high quality presentation, full of content, meant we received very useful feedback and critique on our ideas, which we could learn from before the final presentation. Going through this process will stand me in good stead for my PhD where I may feel downhearted or demotivated but I have to remember to keep producing the best work I can. Presenting to the Judges Participating in the bootcamp has also taught me how to work well in a team. Our…

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  5. Invest in technical skills by bridging the false HE/ FE divide

    …decline in the number of mature and part-time students in England since the 2012/13 HE funding reforms. The Augar Review and election promises from all parties have thankfully shone a spotlight on the woeful underfunding of the FE sector. The global economy is evolving rapidly, but gaps in skills have left the UK lagging behind the curve in a number of areas, including engineering, ICT and the creative industries. Employers have told the CBI and P…

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  6. AUGAR: Our CEO Vanessa Wilson Sets Out Her Initial Thoughts

    …ncrease participation, to compete on a level playing field with our global competitors. The review’s recommendations on a variable top-up depending on the course “value”, risks a long-term attack on arts, humanities and social sciences. It risks being hugely disingenuous and is a massive disservice to our creative industries, again restricting choice for students. And that’s before we really get into the analysis on the proposed changes to fees re…

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    Augar review
  7. Ladders of opportunity – Strengthening the role of universities in technical and professional education

    …reflect the fact that degrees (at Level 6) already include assessment and components at this level. Reflecting employer needs at Levels 4 and 5 in specific occupations and sectors, the report suggests introducing greater flexibility in funding to support holders of degrees or postgraduate qualifications to undertake professional accreditation at these levels in explicitly occupational programmes, on the same basis as the new Master’s Loan. To sup…

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  8. Enterprise Stars: Meet the Investors

    …s supported with mentoring and office space to allow him to grow his first company, Thap – a software agency. Thap was acquired by Clicksco in 2013 where he became Group CTO, running a team of 70 developers across to the world in the marketing technology sector. Tom then went on to set up financial technology start-up Paid, which concentrates on simplifying contracting and payments for small businesses. Tom’s areas of experience include building h…

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  9. #PressforProgress on periods in Nepal

    …e surveyed 286 girls and women using the pads. They told us that they were comfortable, didn’t leak, and, when combined with adequate toilet and washing facilities had some positive impact on girls’ school attendance. However, more important are the education programmes which support the distribution of re-usable pads. These not only provide knowledge on the menstrual cycle, but by including members of the wider community, can raise awareness and…

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  10. The employer perspective

    …. The CBI has been working with UA and others to reverse the effects of the 2011 reforms on part-time numbers. Yet the rigidity of the Apprenticeship Levy means that many part-time degree courses are off the table for employers looking to support their workforce to develop higher skills. This is one reason why the Levy should develop into a more flexible skills levy. So, whilst there are many challenges, there is also a fantastic opportunity facin…

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