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  1. University Alliance responds to the HE Green Paper

    …e at a cost. If this is not recognised in the forthcoming spending review, today’s commitment is just empty words. “As institutions that are above benchmark for both recruiting and retaining widening participation students, we are pleased this will be recognized in the TEF. Our success in achieving great outcomes for all our students comes in part from our strong links with industry and the professions. We will continue to develop these – includin…

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  2. University-Business collaboration is second nature to Alliance universities

    …how we can better support relationships between UK businesses and the UK’s world-leading university researchers. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of University Alliance – Britain’s universities for cities and regions – said: “University-Business collaboration is essential to the success of our economy and society. The challenges facing business today can often only be met by a wide range of partners – with different expertise – working together…

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  3. University Alliance responds to the Government’s Science and Innovation Strategy

    …e next 10 years of UK science and innovation, has kicked back much of the crucial decision-making until after the election next May, and in some cases, following further reviews. The Strategy provides a clear diagnosis of the main issues currently affecting the UK’s science base and we strongly support the overall aim to establish the UK as a world-leading knowledge economy. Yet we are left wondering which remedies the government will prescribe. “…

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  4. Start-up: Bill's story 6 months on

    …Houses of Parliament. For me that’s one of the most exciting things about running a successful business that you’ve set up from scratch, looking back to see where you’ve come from, then thinking ahead to where you’re going to be. At the risk of sounding slightly sycophantic, we wouldn’t be here today without the help offered by organisations like the University of Bradford, University Alliance and the other support channels there are, so a big th…

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  5. Budget recognises universities are ‘vital for economic growth’

    …ing innovation and discovery, producing highly-skilled graduates. “As well-run, business-like organisations, Alliance universities are both effective and efficient at delivering value for money of public investment. In times of financial constraint these essentials are even more important and compel us to spend what we have to the greatest possible effect. “However, as Mr Darling said today, the UK ‘can’t take growth for granted’ and the governmen…

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  6. Pandemic adaptations can improve inclusive assessment practices today: UA network releases report

    …plemented during the COVID-19 pandemic could be applied in a post-pandemic world. During the pandemic, it was discovered that assessment practices had become more inclusive. Many of the adaptations made in response to lockdown restrictions were actually helping to close awarding gaps and improve continuation rates – even for the most disadvantaged students. UA universities wanted to figure out why, and how they could keep these adaptations going….

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  7. Why study at an Alliance university?

    …heir course completion. In fact, the newest member of the Alliance, Anglia Ruskin University, rated as one of the top five universities in the country for graduate employment. What’s more – 86% of UA graduates said that their current activity is meaningful. Alliance universities also rated highly again in this year’s National Student Survey, with the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) ranked joint 2nd in England for overall student sa…

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  8. University Alliance welcomes the Government's Innovation and Research Strategy

    …liance and Vice Chancellor of Oxford Brookes University, said: “We welcome today’s strategy for its frankness and ambition; in being a clear assessment of the challenges facing our economy and in highlighting the importance of innovation in maintaining our global competitive advantage. It comes at a crucial time – with other countries spending more on research, now is the time for a clear vision that puts innovation at the heart of growth. “I am p…

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  9. Setting out to explore new frontiers of collaboration

    …niversity is expanding on its world-leading astrophysics research, by constructing the world’s largest robotic telescope – Liverpool Telescope 2 – which will be dedicated solely to scientific work. The £15 million project is creating jobs and driving upgrades in skills and machinery for local precision engineering SMEs, benefiting businesses in the Merseyside region. Improving the availability of existing knowledge can also transform businesses’ f…

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  10. #WeAreInternational blog: Fatima Muktar

    …y diverse university and provides a safe and welcoming environment to international students from all over the world…” Fatima hopes her research will serve as best practice guidance to local authorities, policy makers, and private waste management sectors across the country, and assist them in setting up an effective waste management system. “I am proud to be studying my PhD at USW. I chose USW because it is an incredibly diverse university and pr…

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    Fatima, a graduate student at the University of South Wales